chapter 21: fights.

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You looked at your feet. And smiled.

"I will." You mumbled quietly.

Cross attacked, but you dodged. Then you attacked, and missed.

Each turn you got just a little bit more tired. But you couldn't reset anymore thanks to him, so you kept trying

He seemed to note how you'd attack. Each time you attacked, it dropped. Then dodging each other turn you missed less and less.

He however, didn't seem to be to tired, not to forget you also had the other guy just waiting for an opportunity.

It got to the point to where your attack was so weak you didn't  take a half point of damage.

He summoned another attack. And you didn't have the energy to move and dodge it.

You took in breaths in an attempt to keep going. But it wasn't enough.

You looked at cross as he walked to you. He shot a look over to nightmare, and then the goop held you down.

Cross grabbed the jacket around your waist and put his knife to it.

"What's your choice? You die? Or I erase the only thing left of anyone?"

You went to talk. But didn't. You had to think. but you wouldn't have enough time. So you went with what you were thinking.

". . . P l e a s e." You couldn't think of anything else.

He looked at you with a confused, yet he had a smile still on.

"...Please... Just stop." Your breaths were short. You couldn't do this. You couldn't have him erase everything.

"Nah. I'd MUCH rather have you suffer."

He stabbed through the cloth of the jacket. And then drug it down until it was a rip all the way from where he started to where he stopped.

You looked down. Wanting to avoid this. Wanting your friends back

You still didn't feel stronger. It felt as if you weren't determined. And who could blame you? You had watched sans die, when you could have helped.

"Stop... Ill.. I'll let you kill me, but you have to bring my friends back. I'll let you kill me over and over if you want. I know I can't reset, but you can just bring me back, but please bring back everyone."

He seemed to stop for the slightest of seconds.

"... Welp, who could decline that? I'd much rather kill you than them. It was to easy.

You felt your body tremble.
Cross knew you were to weak to be lying, and hopefully he would do as you asked.

He grabbed the clothes scattered across the ground and did something before dust would start surrounding certian pieces  of clothes.

You looked at him.

"Make them forget about me. Don't let them see me die. Let them go."

You felt nightmare let you go. Cross was ok with it.

"Can't do that. Sorry. But if it makes you feel any better, once your dead, they'll forget sooner or later."

You Looked back down in defeat.
When you looked up, everyone was there. But one. Chara. She wasn't there. You didn't question it... She wouldn't have survived.

Sans looked at you as soon as he got up. He had the face of hurt on. Seeing how beaten up you were. If only he knew it would get worse.

But he was the only one awake. Everyone else was still out.

But cross didn't wait to teleport them somewhere.

And as soon as he did. He walked closer.

And raised the knife

Then it went black

Then you woke up

Saw him raise the knife

And it went black again

When you woke up again... You were waiting for the sudden death. But when he raised the knife... Something stopped him.

"Don't you dare hurt them."

The Way We Used To Be ~Book 2 Of PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now