chapter 32: back

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You looked at the figure leaning in your door.

"Ah don't worry, it'll be like nothing ever happened if you just come with me, a d forget YOUR happy ending. I'll let everyone else live peacefully...But you gotta come with me." You looked at him

Sure, you'd love to have a good ending, but ripping it away from sans out of your own free will...

You stopped thinking.
Nodding your head was the hardest thing you'd ever done.

He smiled, the world slowly fading away. When your vision came back, you saw sans.

He was out cold. On the floor of the void.

You felt guilt crawl up your spine.
'its gonna be okay...' you told yourself, knowing it wasnt.

You looked around. It was a dark void. Not like the others. You kept looking, slowly taking in what you could

"Yo kid, I thought that since I've had some fun already...I'd bring an old friend of yours. . ." You looked at where the voice came from.

And what you saw...Was like being in a time machine.

"HeLlO." You saw error smile, or what you could make out of a smile.

You felt like screaming.
Your memories still in the back of your mind haunting you.

Error somehow managed to grab your ankles with his strings, without you noticing...

Your feet were ripped off if the ground from under you, and your head slammed onto the floor and you were being hung upside-down.

Error and cross slowly made their was over to you.

You didn't know if it was the blood rushing to your head, but everything was turning foggy.


You could almost feel your eyes wanting to close.
And yet you wouldn't let them. You refused to let yourself fall asleep, and risk them killing sans, who was still out cold on the floor.

"So DiDJa MiSs mE?" You saw error look down at sans.

A small grin tugged on his lips.

"DAmN, GOoD JoB YoU ACtUAllY GoT HIm." Error looked back up and saw you, attempting to not pass out.

One of your eyes wouldn't open, despite your efforts. Slowly your other one was trying to close, but you refused.

"So, if need be, sans here is gonna be are bribe. If we don't get what we want. He dies.
So, im only guessing that you'd  corporate." He looked at you. And you attempted to nod.

Errors strings let you go, causing you to fall to the floor face-first.

"So let's get started.
Your soul is determation, correct?"

You nodded.

"And from what you know...You think your still determined?"

You hesitated, but nodded.

"How would you feel if I told you, you no longer possess the power, or ability of determation..."

You stopped.
You slowly looked up at him.

" W H A T." Was all you could force out

The Way We Used To Be ~Book 2 Of PromiseDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora