Chapter 2: The New Key

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When I got back to my room I started to think when I knew them from,

"mmmmmm....." I said to myself. Then my room mate (her name was devan) came back from her meeting.

"That was ANWSOME!" Said devan. "How was your?"

"Good, like any other." I said. we'll looking at the floor.

"Ok what's wrong?" Said devan. she came over and sat next to me.

"Well, I think I know them." I said.

"WHAT!? HOW!?" Said devan she like to act so I wasn't shore if she was acting or not.

"Remember when I was adopt?" I said.

"Yeah, and they brought you back." She giggle. This is why I'm not tell her why they brought me back. I just ignored it.

"well, they let me watch tv and I was watching something called AGT." I said. She intrude me and said.

"OH! I know that show! Me and my dad use to watch-" she stop and look at the ground, I thought she was going to cry but she held it in, she strong.

"Go on." She said. I look at her and rubbed her back.

"Sorry devan." I said. I didn't want to make her cry so I just stared the story again.

"Anyway, there was a magician and he was very cute but he 17 soooo..... yeah. And he is AMZING!" She look at me like I was crazy or something.

"Do you think that's his parents? Cuz why would his parents want to adopt someone." She said.

"I thought that too." I said.

"but?" She said. I just shrugged, them Mrs. Bell came in.

"KAT!" Bell said. I thought to myself,

"now what". I stood up annoyed.

"Ms. Key and Mr. key WANT TO ADOBT YOU!"

"WHAT!?" Devan and me said. We stared to jump around.

"back your thing your leaving now." Said bell. She left and slammed the door. I stop jumping.

"What's wrong?" Ask devan "YOUR GETTING PARENTS!"

"But what about you?" I said. she look at me.

"Ill be find, its like last time but your going to stay with them." I look at her and smiled them huggged her.

"Bye, your'll always be my sister." I said we both stared to cry. I back my thing and said goodbye to all of the orphans there. I saved devan for last.

"This it." I said.

"no, we will find each other again, don't worry." She said. we hug tingly.

"Bye, bye Kat." I got into the car with the key. I look back at devan till I couldn't she her.


Now I know that these are the keys right? NO! anyone can have that name, but if it was them then I would FRECK OUT! But I didn't ask cuz what happen if it wasn't them what would they DO. Idk ill just find out I guess. When we got there I look at the house, it was perfect! Good size, tall enough, I like it. but this was just the outside. We walk in and all I could say was

"WOW!" The keys look at each other and smiled.

"Im guessing you like it." said steven.

"Like? I LOVE IT!" I said. I started to look around.

"Mmmmm...." I said to myself. I know this place. Could it be? No no no, why would Collins key need anther sibling? I look at a book self, it was nice. had pics of people and stuff. Them anna came over.

"You know you not alone." She said. I didn't know what she was talking so I ask.

"What do you mean?" I said. them steven walk over.

"Well you have 2 bothers." Said Steven.

"WHAT!?" I said. I meat to say it in my head but it just came out.

"is that a problem?" Ask anna.

"What? No! I always wanted a bother or bothers." I said.

"well good," said steven. "They should be home soon."

"I cant wait." I said. but anna took a pic. from the bookself that I don't think I saw, maybe it was them? Idk im just happy. Them someone walks in. I look and I see....... No it cant be, "DEVAN!?"

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