Beacon Hills ? 01

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Isabella's POV

It was dark. That much I could tell.

My body ached in even the slightest movement. I couldn't see where I was but whatever I was laying in was extremely small and absolutely suffocating. I felt around with my hands, feeling the four walls incasing me. I could feel the roughness and cold rocks beneath my fingertips. 

I began to panic as I realized that I was in a concrete case, feeling like the four walls were slowly enclosing me, causing me to panic further. I pressed my hands against the hard surface above me, pushing as hard as I could, hoping I could somewhat get out. 

I let out a loud groan of pain as my weak arms burned from only moving the concrete above me slightly. I laid my hands back down as I breathed in heavily, my throat burning from being so dry. I could feel a bead of sweat travel down the side of my face, the sounds of my harsh breathing being the only noise I could hear. 

I moved my head around to see a light seeping through from the small crack I had made from moving the top over.

"Help!" I tried to yell but it only came out as a faint whisper. I shut my eyes tightly as my throat burned. It felt so hoarse and dry, scratching against my skin, as if I hadn't spoken in years. 

I pushed up against the hard concrete once more moving it off little by little till there was an opening big enough for me to get through. I let out a large sigh as a gust of wind blew through the stone coffin, the giant whole revealing the night sky and a full moon.

I gripped the edge of the stone and slowly pulled myself up. The burning sensation returning to my arms and body. As soon as I perched myself on the edge of the concrete I looked around and realised that I was in a cemetery. Broken tombs and leaves scattering the ground.

It looked like the cemetery was ancient and in the middle of nowhere.

I slowly pulled my self out of the tomb, gripping my waist. I fell against the floor with a hard thud and rolled over to my back, breathing heavily. I stayed there for a moment as I took in a couple of breaths. I felt a slight pain in my chest and quickly looked down to see a small hole torn through my dress. I placed my finger through the dress and felt around for the wound.

My fingertip immediately felt the hollowness of a stab wound, the smooth, round incision immediately answering my thoughts. I had been daggered. 

As soon as I felt like I wasn't breathing in pins and needles I stood up slowly and looked down at the tomb that I was being held in. It was a large rectangular, concrete coffin that sat above the ground. The letter I.M. engraved at the top followed by a crown underneath.

I let out a sigh as looked around the cemetery once more, taking in my surroundings. It was unusually dark, even at a time like this. My eyes landed on a trail that traced around the tombs and through a single iron face. I made a gut instinct and followed the trail out.

I walked out of the rusted, white, iron fence. The sound of owl hooting and creatures roaming around kept me on edge. I was in the middle of nowhere, not even sure if I was home or even on the same continent. 

I was walking just a mile past the graveyard when my ears perked up at the sound of rustling, feet stomping against the ground.  

"Dude, I'm telling you. I saw the old creepy cemetery the other day when I was running."

"And you want to go find it know! How is that smart?" The sound of two boys voices echoed. I quickly hid behind a tree, feeling the veins sprout beneath my eyes. I gripped the bark in my hand as I gritted my teeth. 

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