Hello Brothers 🔱08

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Stiles POV

Silence enveloped the entire room after Isabella announced to the pack who she was. I watched as Lydia immediately stood up, her eyes widening.

"Wait, you're a supernatural creature?" Kira asked shaking her slightly, probably trying to wrap her head around the idea.

Malia didn't stop holding a long and hard gaze over her while Liam kind of stood there probably trying to understand what is going on.

I leaned my head over slightly to whisper into Isabellas ear. I felt her body tense up slightly as I got closer. Making my eyebrows furrow in confusion but sending a tingling feeling across my body. "Way to make for an awkward silence." I whispered.

Isabella simply rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, taking a step forward.

"Look I'm on the list because I'm powerful and I come from a powerful family. I've stopped this before and I intend to stop it now. I don't care if you don't like me, you can flash your fancy claws and glowing eyes at me but I've seen horrors you could only dream of."

The room stayed silent as she spoke with such authority. I was slightly terrified at how booming her voice was but it was nothing compared to the sound of Scott's Alpha voice.
She turned her head over her shoulder so that she was looking right at me with those baby blue eyes. In a second I was caught in her gaze.

"I have Scott and Stiles trust." She said before turning back to our slightly skeptical friends, snapping me out of my daze.

"And I have no intention of breaking it." She spoke, standing her ground and giving everyone a hard yet soft gaze.

I let out a huge smile while slowly clapping my hands. "Alright so what do we say we all be friends, eh?" Everyone looked toward me and I stepped back mumbling a small sorry.

Scott stepped forward shaking his head at my little attempt to break the silence, with the newest deadpool still clutched in his hand. "She's right. I do trust her and I know she can help us. You have to trust us too."

The pack gave each other collective looks before unanimously voting to let Isabella help us. Lydia and Kira both agreed followed by a skeptical Liam and Malia.

Scott let out a soft sigh. "Thanks guys."

The whole room and overall feel of the situation became much lighter now that the tension and uneasiness disappeared. We all gathered around Scott's coffee table taking seats on his couch and some like Liam and Malia, opting to stand up.

Scott placed the deadpool smack in the middle. "Okay so we've unlocked another list and this time the keyword was Aiden. So that makes the last two keywords Allison and Aiden." Scott said while looking around at the pack.

"So then the keywords are people who have died?" I asked trying to piece everything together.

"Well I mean Allison was killed by the Oni and so was Aiden." Scott whispered. Their deaths were still something that was fresh. Like a wound that hadn't heeled. It was raw and vulnerable.

You could see it in everyone. Their names had been brought up twice today and every time you could see a little flinch in Scott's body or the sadness in Lydia's eyes.

"So it's people who were killed by the Oni?" Kira asked.

"Or what if it was those killed by supernatural creatures period?" Liam added. Scott nodded his head in agreement.

"Yeah, yeah we could go with that." Scott said. We all discussed everything we had learned so far about the deadpool. The only thing that was keeping us in a rut was trying to figure out who the benefactor was.

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