Headaches 🔱06

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Isabella's POV

Scott and Stiles both gave each other wide eyed glances before turning to me. Scott quickly grabbed another copy of the Deadpool, holding it up.

"Wait, you're telling me this has happened before? That you've stopped this?" He asked frantically.

I nodded my head.

"Yes, my family and I. Someone was going around putting bounties on all supernatural creatures. Friends of ours were dying left and right, we originally thought it was hunters but it was far worse. People were actually killing our kind for money."

"So then you know how to stop it? Great! This is great!" He yelled.

"See I told you we needed her." Stiles whispered to Scott. We both gave him a look. I heard what he had said early outside the door. I know he doesn't trust me as much as Scott does but I'm not here to hurt them or anyone for that matter. My only priorities are to help Scott and find my family.

"So how do we stop it?" Scott asked.

At that moment my mind went blank. Stop it? I can't remember. My mind was racing with thoughts about the deadpool. I could remember everything but for the love of God I couldn't remember how we had stopped it.

"I-i don't know." I uttered. My eyes not leaving the paper I was holding in my hands.

How could I not remember? A thousand years of memories and I couldn't remember this one very important one. How so?

I suddenly felt light headed. My knees wobbled slightly as I grabbed onto the nearest thing. Which happened to be Stiles arm.

"Woah, you okay there?" He asked gently.

I shook my head as I pressed my palm against my head, feeling a small headache starting to form.

"No, no I don't think I am." I whispered. Stiles slowly helped me across the room and onto Scott's bed.

The pain in my head increased at the sound of Scotts phone ringing.

"Hello?" Scott answered to whoever was calling. His eyes widened and he immediately looked towards Stiles who had his hand running up and down my back slowly as I tried to pass this horrible feeling.

"No, yeah. You guys need to come to my house like right now." He spoke as he paced the room.

"Psst, Scott. Wanna fill us in over here?" Stiles whispered, motioning his head towards us. Scott just simply waved him away.

"Is he always so secretive?" I asked.

Stiles just shrugged his shoulders. "He's just got a lot on his plate that's all."

Scott spoke a few more words before hanging up the phone and turning toward Stiles and I.

"That was Lydia, they've uncovered another list." Scott said.

Stiles quickly stood up, advancing toward Scott.

"Another list? Who's on it? What was the key name?" Stiles asked quickly.

I watched the two boys interact and it reminded me of when my family and I were trying to figure out who was killing everyone.

March 13, 1745

"Kol, can you leave the poor girl alone for just a second so we can have a family discussion?" Rebekah asked, annoyed at her brother.

Kol simply grabbed the girl by her shoulders, starring deeply into her eyes.

Insatiable 🔱 (Teen Wolf/The Originals)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora