Deadpool ? 05

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Stiles POV

"What the hell were you thinking man!" I said while jabbing a finger into his chest.

Scott gave me a surprised look. "What do you mean!? She's a hybrid Stiles! She's probably stronger than me! We could really use her help!"

"Yeah she probably is and you know what else, she happens to love blood too! Which is something I would like to keep in my body!" I whispered loudly while gesturing to my whole body.

We had left the animal clinic and went to my place because my dad had left to work already and Scott's mom would just be getting off of her night shift. So it would pretty weird if Scott and I brought in a naked girl we don't know.

She was currently putting on some decent clothes in my room while Scott and I stood outside my door.

"Would you calm down okay? She's only hear to help us out with this whole deadpool thing alright? Then we're gonna help her find her family and she's gone okay?"

I put my hands on my waist giving him a hard stare before finally nodding my head. Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad thing at all. At the clinic she could've went for one of us but she didn't but it doesn't ease the fact that she likes to drink blood.

I opened the door to my room just as Isabella was pulling over one of my shirts on her body. Scott and mine eyes both widened as we quickly turned around.

"Oh my gosh. Uh, wow, uh sorry about that." I stuttered as I felt my cheeks go red. I heard a soft giggle, "It's okay." She laughed.

Scott and I both turned around, slightly embarrassed we almost walked in on her.

She stood there in one of my dark blue t-shirts and a pair of my grey sweats. Her blonde hair was put up into a pony tail and the top of the sweats were rolled up so they weren't baggy on her.

Scott let out a cough, knocking me out of my trance.

"So!" I yelled clapping, startling both Isabella and Scott. Oops forgot about the super enhanced hearing.

"Isabella, why don't you tell us more about yourself?" I said giving her a small smile and taking a seat in my chair.

She nodded her head, taking a seat on my bed next to Scott.

"What do you want to know?" She asked looking between both me and Scott.

"Well why don't you tell us about your family? Maybe if you tell us about them we can help you find them quicker." She nodded her head.

"Okay, yeah well there's 7 of us."

Isabella's POV (age 12)

"Niklaus! Isabella! Come, dinner is ready!"

I looked over to my brother as we walked back from gathering water at the stream.

He gave me an evil little smile before grinning widely.

"I'll race you sister." He laughed.

I gave him a small glare.

"Ha ha very funny Niklaus. You know I have to carry this jug of water. Can't you help me anyway?" I asked him while struggling to carry the heavy jug of water.

He raised up his left arm that was held in a wrap.

"Sorry, mums orders. No work till it heals!" He gave me a small wink before taking off infront of me through the village.

"Nik you bastard!" I yelled after him as he laughed.

I got there just after Niklaus and he was already helping mother and Finn set the table. Elijah was helping Rebekah with the fire while Kol was probably still out with father.

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