"And Where Would That Be, Sir?"

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"Amateur Detective Solves 20 Year Old Murder Case!"

"The Hounds of Baskerville Exposed!"

"Sherlock Holmes Has Done It Again!"

Sherlock could already see the new headlines. No matter how much he tried, neither he nor John could ignore the fact that Sherlock is no longer a private consulting detective. He was in the public's eye now. Everywhere he went the press was already there. He was so deep in thought that he didn't even hear John talking to him.

"Are you listening, Sherlock?" John's voice jolted him out of thought. "What? Oh, not really. I lost interest in the conversation early on." He could tell by John's exasperated sigh that he was clearly annoyed. "I was asking you if there was any chance you could help my younger sister find a place to stay, and if all else fails could she stay with us?"

"She's welcome to stay, so long as I have the opportunity to meet her first."John glared at him intently. "Are you saying you don't trust my sister?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying." He opened his mouth in protest but quickly shut it.

John took offence in the fact that Sherlock didn't trust her. He hadn't even met Angelique yet! That was one of John's biggest pet peeves about Sherlock. He judged before he had the information to judge. He was so prejudiced! For all Sherlock knew, Angelique could've been the sweetest, kindest, most beautiful person to walk the earth! And in John's eyes she was. So it pissed him off to no end when he judged someone like that.

Eventually, the cabbie pulled up to the front door of 221B Baker Street. John gave the man his money and they got out and headed inside.

(The next day)

"Sherlock! C'mon, get up! I told Angelique we wouldn't be late!" Sherlock stumbled out of his room in no more then night clothes and bath robe. The look on John's face was one of offence and disbelief. "Alright, let's go then. Don't want to keep her waiting now do we." He gave a small smile and headed down the stairs. "You cannot go to meet my sister in you night clothes!"

"Well why not? I've been to Buckingham palace in a sheet."

"Yes, I know that! I was there! But please Sherlock, She's important to me. Please go get dressed." But Sherlock ignored John's comment and continued his trek downstairs.

Sherlock hailed a cab and John told him where to go. "London airport please."

"London airport?" Sherlock asked confused. "Yes, she's flying in from...somewhere."
"Just somewhere."
"I know that, and I asked you where?"
"No where."
"Oh, so she came from the sky?"

"Now you listen here, Sherlock. This is my younger sister, and she's been through some tough times. Do not, and I repeat DO NOT try to be clever!" He gave a loud, overly exaggerated sigh and replied, "Alright fine."

The rest of the ride was dreadfully boring. But, when they arrived, Sherlock did notice something. Many families were standing and waiting for someone. Most of the children were holding a British flag. He looked where John was headed and saw Lestrade, Molly, and Mrs. Hudson. No wonder she wasn't home this morning. "Am I late?" asked John. "No, we're on time by the looks of things." Sherlock  interrupted. He could tell what they were all thinking, 'Really Sherlock, you're night clothes?'

Sherlock was getting bored, until he looked up and saw many men and women in British army dress uniforms. All of them with a beret bearing their rank on it. White gloves on there hands and making sure not to carry their baggage on their shoulders. (It's against regulation to carry bags on your shoulder in dress uniform. It's taken as a sign of disrespect.) They all went to their group of family and friends and were given a warm welcome. He saw them all, except for Angelique. John's eyes darkened and tears pooled in his eyes. "W-where is she? She told me in her letter that.....that she wold be here. W-why isn't she.....?" Molly brought John into her arms to keep him from crying.

"Well, where is she?"  Sherlock asked. John pulled away from Molly and looked at him with a distraught look. "I don't know Sherlock. If I knew where she was do you think I'd be this upset about it!"

"John, I meant no disrespect but-"

He was interrupted by a high-pitched squeal from Mrs. Hudson saying, "Oh, look! She's here!" Everyone turned to see a girl about John's height with brownish-blonde hair and electric-blue eyes. 'The insignia on her best suggests that she served in Afghanistan with the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers. The same unit as John. There is a small limp in her left leg and an intermittent tremor in her right hand. Acute PTSD.' John took one look at his friend and knew what he was thinking. "Sherlock, stop deducing my sister." he whispered to him.

Angelique stood and saluted John saying," Sir, Lt. Watson of the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers reports as ordered." He saluted in return, replying,"At ease, soldier." Angelique dropped her bags and threw her arms around John. "John, I missed you so much! You had me worried to death when they carted you off like that!"

"Me? I was worried about you! My little sister all alone over there!" Angelique was overjoyed! So overjoyed that she started to cry into his shoulder. But they weren't sad tears, they where happy tears. Tears of joy at the fact that her brother was okay.

"Oh come on now, the first time we've seen each other in over a year and you're gonna cry. Well stop it, you'll have me crying too." said John. It was a very  heart-warming sight. You could tell just by looking at them that they cared so much for each other. John finally pulled away from Angelique. She began to introduce herself to everyone. "Hello everyone, My name is Angelique Amelia Jane Watson."

"Oh we'll have plenty of time to get to know you later." said Mrs. Hudson. "Angelique, this is my landlady, Mrs. Hudson." replied John. "Pleasure to meet you ma'am." John proceeded to introduce her to everyone else. When he finally got around to Sherlock, he stopped him. "So, you must be Angelique? I hear you need a place to stay. Tell me, how do feel about the violin?"

"Oh, I love violin music! I was going to take lessons once I found a place to stay."

"Excellent, do you get a bit squeamish at the sight of body parts?"

"Sir, I'm a soldier, I've seen.....unsettling things. I'm sure I can handle it." The consulting detective  smiled and turned to walk away. "I know the perfect place for her to stay."

"And where would that be, sir?" she asked. He stopped walking and turned around to face her.

"The name's Sherlock Holmes, and the address is 221B Baker Street."

(Over to the side is a pic of Angelique)

My Guardian Angel - A BBC Sherlock FanFictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora