"He tried to fly, but he forgot his wings at home."

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Just a few blocks east of Baker Street sits small corner pub. Its a small run down place, but still ever popular amongst the night life. And inside, sat a young in girl, with brownish-blonde hair and electric blue eyes. She was wearing a long, dark trench coat and a blue scarf. She sat alone at the bar, deep in thought.

Just then, a young man sauntered over to her, "Hello there, I'm Capt-"

"Save it. I'm not sleeping with anyone tonight." interrupted the girl. The man smiled slyly. "What makes you think I looking for a booty-call?" he questioned, his american accent thick in his voice.

"Oh please, anyone here could tell. First of all, The way you speak and walk suggest a seductive tone. Also, there is a slight hint of mint in your breath. You've been using excessive amounts of breath mints just in case a pretty little lady wants a little snog. And lastly, there is a condom pack slightly protruding from your pocket. Happy? Now leave me be."

The man sat in aw, openmouthed in surprise. "Okay, that was amazing. How did you know all of that?" The girl gave a small smile. "You don't live with Sherlock Holmes without picking up a few tricks."

"Sherlock Holmes? You mean the guy that jumped off of St. Bartholomew's Hospital two months ago?" She cringed at the mention of Sherlock's death. "Yea, that was him. By the way, What did you say your name was?" He smiled and took the seat next to the girl. "Captain Jack Harkness, and you?"

"Lt. Angelique Amelia Jane Watson of the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers."

"Pleasure to meet you ma'am, and if you don't mind me asking, why did he do it? Jump, I mean." he asked.

Angelique just shook her head, the tremors in her hand worsening. "He tried to fly, but he forgot his wings at home." Jack looked puzzled. "Wings?"

"Yes, wings. I was his Guardian Angel, so I gave him my wings. But he didn't fly. He fell..." She choked back a sob as Jack wrapped an arm around her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad. Here," he handed her a slip of paper with his mobile phone number. "Give me a call if you ever need a shoulder to cry on."

Angelique could tell his offer was sincere. "Thank you. I had best head home." She stood up and shook Jack's hand. "Pleasure meeting you Captain." She smiled and headed home, ignoring the ever present pain in her left hip. On the way, a cold breeze blew through, so she turned the collar up of her coat and continued on.

((yea I know this one was really short. Don't hurt me.))

My Guardian Angel - A BBC Sherlock FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now