"He must be bluffing?"

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Over the next few weeks, Angelique had no luck trying to find a place to stay. But honestly, she didn't mind. She had grown accustomed to Sherlock's experiments and John yelling at him for making a mess. They had actually developed a routine for them all living together.

John woke up early and took a shower. Afterwards, if it was weekday, he headed to work at the clinic. If not, he started on breakfast. If he wasn't home, Angelique would get up sometime after he left and put the kettle on. When it was done, she would go wake up Sherlock. He would get up and get dressed. Once they finished their tea, they would accept clients.

If no clients came, then Angelique would go for a morning run. Sherlock would watch her through the window as she began her daily trek. But, often times, she came home in less then ten minutes. Usually complaining about a small pain in her left leg.

When John, wasn't home and Sherlock had a case, Angelique tagged along. Many times she helped him solve the cases. To her it was a way to distract her from her nightmares. But, whether she wanted to admit it or not, she was falling for the handsome young consulting detective. When he looked at her with his beautiful blue eyes, she could feel her heart skip a beat. Whenever he smiled at her, she felt a heat rise in her cheeks.

But that's only the half of it. She noticed things about Sherlock too. Many times when they're alone together, she notices that he fumbles around trying to find the right words to say to her.  He avoided eye contact, because he knew his eyes were dilated and she would be able to see it. In fact, both of them often acted a bit awkward when they were alone. Most of the time, so they wouldn't be sitting in awkward silence, they would play board games. Clue was Angelique's favorite.

"I know who it was! The victim did it!" she exclaimed. "Really? How can you tell?" inquired the curious detective. "Its simple, Everyone else was in another part of the house from the victim. He was the only one in the kitchen. He obviously killed himself with the knife." Sherlock sat openmouthed in surprise. He thought he was the only one that ever came to that conclusion in this game.

"Oh, no you too, Angel. Look the rules say it can't be the victim." said John, whom they had convinced to play with them. "Then the rules are wrong." she spouted, getting up from her position on the floor. "That's what he always says." replied John, poking a finger at the man sitting next to him. Who by the way was still a bit surprised by her deduction.

Just then, John's pager buzzed. "Oh! I've got to go! Major traffic accident, the whole family is hurt! They need me in the emergency bay at the clinic! " he said as he threw his coat and shoes on and rushed outside. Sherlock and Angelique looked at each other momentarily. They were home alone again, with the exception of Mrs. Hudson. Again came the awkward silence they often found themselves in.

"So....what now?" asked Angelique. "I could finally teach you how to play the violin." he replied.

"Okay, I'm a fast learner so this can't be to hard."

"Don't underestimate its complexity. Learning the violin is very difficult. It was a challenge even to me when I was learning." said Sherlock. This came as a bit of a shock to Angelique. She had never seen anything that challenged Sherlock. " Well, I like a good challenge. Let's get started!"

(( Time Skip: A few hours later))

"Beautiful Angel! That was extraordinary! I should have believed you when you said you were a fast learner! Just a few hours of lessons and you can already play as well as I can, if not better." Better then Sherlock? She never thought she would hear the day when Sherlock Holmes would admit to someone doing something better then him.

"Sherlock! Someone's at the door for you!" called Mrs. Hudson. "I'll be down in a moment!" he called back. "Excuse me, Angel." He turned and headed downstairs leaving Angel alone in the sitting room. She looked over at a music stand sitting by the window with a few sheets of music on it an decided to try and play them.

Angelique walked over to the stand and picked a random piece of music and began to play. It took a few tries, but eventually she was playing it beautifully. Melodies streaming from the violin like flowing water.

Meanwhile, Sherlock was downstairs talking with a client. "Sir, I'm terribly sorry, but I cannot help you find your dog. I'm far too-" He stopped. He could hear music, his music, coming from upstairs. "Mr. Holmes, as you were saying." snapped the client. "What? Oh! Yes....um...far to busy. Goodbye now!" he said as he hastily slammed the door.

Sherlock turned and headed back upstairs with Mrs. Hudson. "Who is that playing?"

"Its Angel, playing my piece."

"Oh, it sounds wonderful." Sherlock smiled and said to himself. "Yes, utterly wonderful."

He slowly pushed the door open to see Angelique at his music stand, playing a piece had just recently written. It sounded better when he heard her play it. Every piece of music she played sounded better to him. As she played, he began to wonder, 'How did I, of all people, meet such a perfect girl like her. She's just so....I don't even know what she is. But I know who she is. The girl I'm falling for.'

When Angelique finished playing, she lowered he violin from her shoulder and turned around. "Sherlock, what song is this? It's beautiful."

" Well Angel, its um....i-its a piece that I wrote."

"You wrote this! I love it!" Sherlock was taken aback. "Really? You like it? Its nothing really, just a product of mere boredom." Angelique just smiled. Sherlock loved her smile. "Then maybe you should get bored more often."

"Mrs. Hudson, would you mind leaving us alone for a moment." said Sherlock. She nodded and headed downstairs, leaving them to talk. "Sit down, Angel. There's something I need to say." Where was he going with this. "Listen, I know we haven't known each other for a long time, but....I've grown to....I've sort of...developed feelings for you." Her heart leaped. 'Feelings? For me? But....no...he must be bluffing.' she thought to herself.

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