"I made a promise."

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It was dark, and cold. A blindfold covered her eyes, preventing Angelique from seeing her surroundings. She didn't know just what to make of it yet, but she knew it couldn't be good. Her hands were bound in front of her along the arms of a chair and her legs bound as well. As Angelique struggled to remove the ropes that held her in place the door slowly opened and in walked a very tall man.

She heard things rattling about on a metal tray the man was carrying. Once the door was closed the man proceeded to fill a syringe with an unnamed drug. He stood in front of Angelique and she felt the pressure of a needle on her arm. She felt his putrid breath ghost over her face. Angelique took the opportunity and reeled her head back to head butt the man in front of her. When she did so, he stumbled backwards and pulled out the needle, preventing him from delivering the full dose of the drug to Angelique.

"A fighter this one." spoke the man in a thick Scottish brogue. "Well then, love. Its nice to know that you'll die fighting. Out with a bang, not with a whimper." Angelique's heart dropped. "Sir, for your information I have no plans of leaving this world today or any time soon. I made a promise." she said.

"Ah yes, to the famous Sherlock Holmes, 'Live on without me!' he said. Not so easy now, is it? Living on without the person you care about...." Angelique felt the drug from earlier begin to cloud her mind once more. "No...it's, it's not...easy...who are you?" She heard a low chuckle, almost like a growl escape the man's throat. "Like I'd tell you, and give you the piece of mind to now my identity in your dying moments. But I will tell you this, if Sherlock had done his job then I wouldn't be here doing this right now."

"What does...Sherlock... have anything...to do...with you?" questioned Angelique. "Because, if Sherlock had done his job then my mother would be alive." he scowled.

"Four years ago, Sherlock had a case that required him to solve it a certain amount of time or a hostage dies. He solved the first ones, but when it came to a little old blind lady, he decided to take his time. And because he did, the only family my brother and I had left died! So I sought revenge. Compensation for her death. Then one day, low and behold, I find a picture of him in the papers, and in the background I saw a young girl with brownish-blonde hair and blue eyes looking admiringly at Sherlock. So I tracked her down and I found you. Now, I'm gonna kill you as payment for my mother. An eye for an eye."

"Makes the whole world blind..." she spat. The man pulled a switchblade from his pocket and held it at Angelique's throat. "Sorry love, but it looks like you can't keep your promise to dear Mr. Holmes. But don't worry, you'll be seeing him soon enough..."

"Not on my watch!" she heard a familiar voice say as the door burst open. Sounds of struggle echoed throughout the empty room as the drug once again began to take its toll on Angelique. Just as she was about to succumb to the effects of the narcotics, the blindfold was ripped away, the ropes cut, and she was lifted into a strong pair of arms. An embrace she had come to know all too well. Captain Jack Harkness himself, along with Gwen and Owen. But as he hoisted Angelique into his arms, he felt something strange on the underside of her left leg.

"J-Jack? How.....how did you....."

"Shh, its okay. I've got you Angel. Owen, Gwen, cover me!" Jack's teammates did as they were told and protected Jack from any oncoming attacks from the mystery man's gun men. Just as they reached the outside world, Angelique was met with the bright light of the mid-day sun. "Get her in the car! Hurry!" Once they were safely in the vehicle, Owen slammed on the gas and they sped away. "Jack...how did...how did you find me?"

"Don't worry about it right now...just rest. Now, let's take a look at that leg." Jack pulled up Angelique's left pant leg and was taken aback by what he saw. "Oh my god...Angel, why didn't you tell me?"

"I...I couldn't...I was..too...too embarrassed...please don't...tell John." Jack just smiled. "Okay, I promise. Now rest."

As Angelique drifted to sleep, she heard Sherlock's voice softly whisper,"You kept your promise...."

((Robert Carlyle as the kidnapper))

My Guardian Angel - A BBC Sherlock FanFictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin