"I Can See There's More To Tell Then That."

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"Well then, shall we head home?" said Sherlock. "Yes, of course. Sherlock, Angelique, you two get a cab. Mrs. Hudson, Lestrade, and I will take Lestrade's car." replied John. "Wait, why Sherlock and I in the cab?" Angelique asked. "Because, you're my sister, I already know all there is to know about you. He's the one that's going to have to get to know you."

As they headed outside, she couldn't help but wonder. 'This isn't the Sherlock Holmes that John had told me about in his letters. It's almost like he jumped at the chance for me to stay with them.' It didn't make sense at first, but she decided she was over thinking this. At least she had a place to stay.

Sherlock called a cab and helped Angelique load her luggage into the back. "Baker Street please." he said. They sat in a bit of an awkward silence for a bit. She finally broke it by saying," So, have you and John been living together for a while?"

"No, a few months at most." he replied. A few months? Angelique thought that maybe it would have been at least a year. "Well, what about you?" he asked. "There's not much to say really. When we were little I promised John that I wouldn't let anything separate us. So when he enlisted, so did I. Of course it did take a while to get my transfer to the Fusiliers approved, but we made it happen. Then after John's...." She stopped. She wasn't going to start crying again. Especially in front of a total stranger.

Her train of thought was interrupted by a small chuckle from Sherlock. "I can see that there's more to tell then that." She was a bit confused at first, so she asked,"What do you mean? How can you tell?"

"Well, for starters, no normal brother-sister relationship is that close unless something traumatic or life-threatening happened to one or both of you at a young age. Which, I can tell did happen judging by the scar on your jawline. Maybe an angry friend, abusive boyfriend, or even parent could have inflicted. Also, judging by the coloration of the scar I can tell it was a deep wound, possibly intended to hit your jugular vein. That means the person had intent to kill or nearly kill you. But you moved, therefore the wound was inflicted in a less dangerous manner."

Angelique sat wide-eyed in amazement. "That's brilliant! How did you know all of that?"

"I didn't, I was able to deduce the information using simple clues on your body and a bit of common sense." he replied. 'O-on my body? Did that mean he was....looking at my WHOLE body to find those clues? Okay, that's a bit strange." Sherlock had just realized what he said, and he could tell she took it the wrong way judging by the redness in her cheeks. "I- I didn't mean it like that. I just...."

"It's okay, I know what you meant...." Again came the awkward silence. When it was almost unbearable, the cabbie pulled on to Baker Street and stopped in front of 221B.

Angelique started to unload her bags just as Lestrade and the others pulled up in his car. "Here, let me help you with that." He said, getting out of the driver's side of the car. "Oh, thank you um..."

"Lestrade. Greg Lestrade." he reached out to shake her hand. "Right, thank you, Greg." she replied.

They headed upstairs to show Angelique around. She had to stop momentarily because of a pain in her left hip. "Are you okay Angel?" "Well, this is it. It's not much but, its home." said John. She walked around the flat and took in every detail. She wasn't sure why or how, but lately she has began to notice things that she would otherwise would not have noticed.

Magazines and books were scattered on the table along with boxes of nicotine patches. The shelves were a little dusty. Also, there were a lot of papers pinned on a big board over the mantle. She turned around and saw a yellow smiley face with bullet holes in it. "And what would that be?" she said pointing to it. "I was bored." replied Sherlock with a grin. "Well, I think I'm gonna like it here. But one last thing before I get settled in. Where do I sleep?"

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