" I'm home. Where are you? -SH"

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There he stood, on the roof of St.Bart's hospital, barely balancing on the edge. His once  firm lips were quivering and his bright blue eyes were darkened.

Goodbye Angel...


"Sherlock!" Angelique bolted upwards. The same dream, every night. And the ending was always the same. With Sherlock, The Reichenbach Hero, falling, but she always wakes up before he hits the ground. She sat trembling in bed. "I know I made a promise, but its not that easy Sherlock. I miss you, I miss you so much. Oh I wish I could still be with you!"

Then it dawned on her. Why couldn't she be with him. Besides, what is a life worth if you can't live it with those you love. What people don't realise is that a suicide kills two people. When Sherlock jumped, a piece of Angelique died as well. Not only did she loose him that day, but her will to live on.

The only reason she isn't dead yet is because she promised him. But promises can be broken. "In then end, everyone dies. So why can't I?" Angelique knew what she had to do. She slowly got out of bed and got dressed.

On her way out, Angelique saw a picture that she took a few weeks before Sherlock died. It was of her, Sherlock, and John, standing on the London Bridge. It broke her heart to look at that picture and see her brother and Sherlock smiling, to see them happy.

"Why couldn't those days last forever?" she said in a low, quivering voice. Angelique took the picture from its frame, and on the back she wrote,

Dear Mrs. Hudson and John,

I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...but I miss him too much. I can't stand it anymore. I'm afraid to go to sleep at night because I know I'll see him again, jumping off of St. Bart's. Can you promise something? Make sure to lay me to rest with Sherlock...

Goodbye guys,

Angelique Watson...

And with that, she placed the picture on Sherlock's old chair and went downstairs.

"Mrs. Hudson! I'm going out!"

"Where are you going, deary?"

"St. Bart's. There's someone I need to see."

"Oh, alright then. See you when you come home." Mrs. Hudson sighed as Angelique left. "Please dear god, don't let her do what I think she's doing."


Angelique made her way to the roof of St. Bart's Hospital, being sure to avoid Molly and John or anyone else she might know. As she made her trek upstairs and neared the edge, the only thing on her mind was this.

My Guardian Angel - A BBC Sherlock FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now