"You shouldn't' have followed me Lieutenant."

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Angelique walked slowly down Baker Street, making her way to the black granite inscribed with the name she holds most dear. As she did so, she kept her head low. Staring at the ground and not daring to look up. Because every time she did, she would see herself with Sherlock, walking out of a store together or on their way to solve a crime. Everywhere she looked she saw him. Every time she looked into someone's eyes she saw his beautiful blue eyes staring back at her.

Angelique only looked up once she reached his grave. The site of her reflection looking back at her brought back the memory of the very first time she stood here. The day of his funeral. It was a beautiful ceremony. But she didn't see his parents or Mycroft. It broke her heart that they weren't there to say goodbye to their son and brother.

But she did remember two men, sitting in the back of the room. One had brown hair and eyes. The other with dirty-blonde hair and blue eyes, who avoided eye contact with everyone in the room. After the ceremony, she confronted them. Both men claimed to be old friends of Sherlock's, and both came to give him one last goodbye.

But the one thing she remembered the most about that day was the last gift she had to give Sherlock before he died. A song that she had composed on the violin for Sherlock. Angelique was going to play it for him on his birthday, which wasn't to far away. But she never got the chance, instead playing it as a parting gift for the man she loved and loved her in return.

But sadly, the song never reached the end. Almost halfway through she had to stop. Angelique was too overwhelmed by grief and sadness to play the song that was intended as a gift for Sherlock.

Angelique sat down in front of his grave in silence, her mind not able to think of words to say. All she managed through her sobs was," Three years. Three years since you left me here." Warm tears streamed down her face for the second time that morning.

"I don't even know why I decided to come and see you today. I guess I just got a little lonely. Because there hasn't been anyone else since you, there never will be. Ever. I gave you my heart Sherlock, and last time I checked you can't exactly give it back. I wish I could turn back the clock, find myself a TARDIS and go back to save you. You remember the TARDIS don't you? From our favorite show. You should have seen Eleven regenerate. Why couldn't you be a timelord? Then I wouldn't have had to loose you. But its all just a big fairytale. No one can travel through time. Besides, if they could, they couldn't save you. Your death is a fixed point. You would have to die anyways."

Angelique looked down at her phone.

One new message:

Angel, its John. Please pick up your phone. I really need to talk to you. I'm begging you, please call me back.

Angelique wiped away a few rebellious tears and looked back up at the gravestone. "I've got to go. John's been calling a lot lately. I haven't spoken to him for months either. I'll visit you more often, I promise...Bye, love." She stood and turned to walk away.

As she was walking she noticed a man, crying and running away from someone or something. Angelique followed him around the corner and into an alleyway, where she found him sitting on the ground huddled into a ball. "Sir? Are you alright? Is there anything I can do?" The man looked up at her. What happened next, nobody could have seen coming. The man sitting in front of her was Private Jones. The man whom she thought died on the battle field.

"You shouldn't have followed me Lieutenant. Please, leave before its too late." he said. "I'm not going anywhere, Jones. Now tell me, who is after you?"

"He doesn't want me. It's you he wants."

"What? What would anyone want fro-" Before Angelique could finish, she felt the pressure of a needle in her neck. She fell to the ground as everything grew dark.

The last thing she remembered was a gunshot.

My Guardian Angel - A BBC Sherlock FanFictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora