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"CHLOE" Klaus shouts in amazement. Damon and Jazmyn come over to see what who the hell shouted. "Umm who are you" Jazmyn asks the stranger before her. "Hey guys I'm gonna go. I'll catch up with you later" I say as I'm dragging Klaus out of the bar. "What is the meaning of this. How are you even here. WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME" klaus says with a tone of sadness in his voice. I ignore all his questions and give him a long hug. He pushed me back." Explain yourself" klaus says. "When you guys all got turned into vampires your mum came to me and asked if I wanted to become one too since I was special to you. She turned me and I ran away without telling anyone because I didn't want to hurt any of the townspeople. My thirst for blood was too strong and by the time I came back you guys were already gone"I said trying to explain myself. Klaus just stood there in misery. It was an awkward silence until klaus broke it. " I don't know what to think" klaus says. I start to cry. I really don't know why but tears just start storming down my face. "Chloe when you left me I was so sad but all these thousands of years I still loved you. I didn't know if you died and it scared me. I love you Chloe. I always will" klaus says when suddenly he kisses me. "Mhmm"I muttered as the kiss was getting more passionate by the second. We stop and pull away. I stare into his beautiful, sea green eyes. I smile and give him a big hug. We stand there for what seems like forever. "There they are" Damon says as he's rushing out of the pub. "Chloe you need to explain yourself. Who is he and what were you doing hugging him?" Jazmyn says with a tone of anger in her voice. "You know how we were talking about how I changed before well I left out a few details" Chloe said with a fake smile. I told them the story of the originals and how I met klaus. "So your like the original girl" Damon says. "Yeah I guess I am" I reply back happily. "Here me out klaus if you even try to break Chloe's heart I will snap you neck over and over again until you can't feel you bones" Jazmyn said whist smiling. "I've loved Chloe for over a thousand years. I think I'll love her forever"klaus says. "Stop being so sappy, lovey dovey. I know you've just reunited but just leave that to when I'm not here"Damon sighs. Everyone heads off in there seperate ways but when I go to leave klaus stops me. "I need to tell you something" klaus says.

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