Death, emotions and no remorse part 2

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(Marcel's point of view)
"Klaus I know your here!"I say as I kick open the door to Klaus's house. All is silent, not a noise to be heard. I put Chloe down on the nearest couch and I decide to look around.
"Marcel" Chloe whispers. I run to her side, trying to comfort every part of her aching body. "I'm going to d-" she starts but then trails off when she feels a harsh pain in her neck. "Just stay here I'm going to find him" I whisper back. I could sense fear all around her. She wore it in her beautiful face of hers. I hear a gentle snore and relax because she finally fell asleep again. "Klaus!!!"I try again but still no response. I hear a buzz coming from Chloe's pocket in her jean shorts and decide to grab it. "Klaus" I snicker. "Lovely to here your voice. Have you found Jazmyn yet, well hearing your not answering I guess not." He sneers back. I was getting really tired of his bullshit. I just wanted to heal Chloe and get her as far away from this psychopath as possible. "Look I didn't come here for small talk, you bit you girlfriend and she is dying by the second. So get your little hybrid ass back to your house so you can save her life." I hang up the phone before he gets time to answer.

A few minutes later.

"Where is she" Klaus demanded. I just roll my eyes and walk to the lounge room where Chloe was suffering. "Hey Chloe... it's me Klaus"he whispers before hopping onto the couch and cradling Chloe in his arms. I could see how much Chloe shivered at the feel of his touch from the other side of the room. Chloe tries to get the strength to get up but she toppled back down again. "Klaus, I'm ... I'm sorry" she says. I could hear her heart rapidly slow down and so could Klaus. Klaus bites his wrist and shoves it on her lips. "Dammit Chloe just drink" Klaus starts but his wrist heals quickly. I tried to run over but before I could Klaus is kissing her. Chloe's heart speeds up slowly and I start to relax.

Before you know it Chloe is back to her bubbly self, running back and forth between rooms. I leave without letting her or Klaus know I'm gone.

I silently walk through the noisy town of New Orleans. Currently there is a festival of some sort. I head into a cafe to try and keep my mind of her but it didn't really help. "May I take your order" a nice young lady asks as she holds her notepad tightly. "Yeah can I just get a chai" I reply fast, making no eye contact. When Klaus and I were buddies he used to tell me about an amazing girl (who suited Chloe perfectly) about how she adored chai, so I decided to get her one. It was a good 15 minutes before my order arrived but I don't blame them they were busy. "Here you go" she whispers loudly. I ignore it and grab the drink and start walking towards Klaus's.

I arrive at his door but hesitated after I head the loud scream coming from inside. I shove open the door putting down the chai quickly on there outside table before rushing inside. I was lost for words. Chloe is sitting on the floor bursting out crying seeing her best friend on the floor, dead her head completely torn off and on the other side of the room.

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