Were going

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"What is it" I say looking terrified of what he's going to say next. "I'm going back to New Orleans to take my city back and to rejoin with the others. The only reason I came down to Mystic Falls was to get my last dagger" klaus says confidently. I kiss him and give him the nod that I want to come with him. "I've just got to go home and pack a few things" I say. "Meet me here at the pub tomorrow morning"he's says as he starts to use his vampy run and leave.

I get home and start packing for the trip. "So baby pull me closer in the back seat of your rover" I sing as I continue to pack. "BAM" the door flings open. Damon walks in and looks at the sight before him. "So you be weird at a bar, fall in love with a guy you haven't seen in thousands of years, and now your just MOVING!!!" Damon says looking disappointed. I sat there in silence for a few seconds then spoke. "I'm going to New Orleans with klaus to rejoin with the family I once had." "So your just going to leave your new family behind" Jazmyn says as she walks through the door obviously hearing our conversation. "Chloe what about us did you ever think of that, or were you too emobilized by love to realise" Jaz added. "You know that something has always been bothering me all these years well now I just found a solution. I want you guys to be happy for me and I will definitely come back" I say as I held out my pinky. Jazmyn shakes her pinkie with mine while Damon just hugs me angrily. Jazmyn joins the hug and we just all stand there until Damon says "I'm going to have to find a new drinking buddy" Damon teased. "What about me!?" Jazmyn says as she punches him in the shoulder. Damon just starts cracking up laughing. "Lets have a sleepover. I'm leaving tomorrow morning and I would love to spend this time with you guys?" I suggest. They nod. "Horror movie marathon" Damon says completely aware that I hate horror movies. I sigh and nod not really caring what I do as long as I spend it with them.

"NO NO NO" I shout as the person on the tv is about to walk into a trap. "BAM" the persons head is ripped off. " HAHAHAHA" Damon starts shouting. "That dudes got skill" he adds. He looks over to where Jazmyn and I are. I'm under the blanket next to him and Jazmyn's asleep on the floor obviously got bored because it wasn't scary enough. I end up falling asleep on Damons shoulder. " gonna miss this duchebag" Damon says as he's turning off the tv. Damon ends up falling asleep as he couldn't move.

I awake to see Jazmyn gone and Damon staring at me. "Morning drool head" Damon chuckled. I slap him and wipe my mouth. "Where's Jazmyn?" I say with demanding confusion. "She went out shopping to get ingredients for pancakes considering you didn't have any" Damon replies. "Why didn't you go and help?" I say. " well little miss over here wouldn't budge her snoring body out of the way" Damon laughs. I push myself up and check the time. I've got to go soon. Jazmyn better hurt up" I say as I look at Damon. "She will be here in three, two, one and here" Damon says as Jazmyn slams open there door. In her hand is a few bottles of alcohol. "Breakfast is here" she says as she's holding up the bottles. "What happened to pancakes and whipped cream?" Damon says looking sad but excited. "This is better" she shrugs as she hands out the bottles to us.

We finish drinking and head to the pub. I see klaus waiting. I hug Damon and Jazmyn off. I walk up to klaus. "Your late. I see your the exactly the same as you used to be" he smiles angrily. "Yep you should also know I'm not afraid of you and I still disobey your rules" I say as I start heading into the limo that is prepared for us. After a few hours I fell asleep.

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