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Chloe's point of view.

I lay there on the floor, cradling Jazmyn's dead body, my screams turning into nothing. Doesn't matter how hard I tried nothing was coming out. Marcel comes over to try and comfort me but I shake him off. The sudden realisation hit me hard, that I started screaming again.

He tried to hug me again but this time I accepted it. I sat there for a good 10 minutes, crying into Marcel's now drenched t-shirt.

"Where is Klaus." I had the sudden courage to speak up, seeing that Marcel and I are the only ones here. "Chloe-"Marcel tried to say but couldn't spit out the right words. "KLAUS!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I was building up with rage by the second and Marcel seemed to notice. He tried to cool me down but I blew him off and stormed out the door. I was never an angry person but when it comes to my friends I can be the biggest bitch in the world.

"Ahh so you've noticed" Klaus half smiles. "Well yeh dah, she is sitting in the middle of the bloody floor you dickhead" I snap back. I go up to him and grab his wrist, cracking each and every bone.

"Look I was just frustrated, an accident you can say"he replies, trying to act sweet and innocent. I could tell by his face he didn't care which pissed me off more. "You've got to be bloody kidding me" I sigh. "You've turned off your freaking emotions"I snap at him again. I felt a salty tear run down my cheek, feeling like I was the reason this had happened. "Look I just wanted a break from you. I had a nightmare. I might of run out but that is still no excuse for you to kill one of my best friends"I say with a harsh tone of anger in my voice. "Who said I killed one" Klaus smirks. I run inside, past Marcel and straight into Damon's bedroom. "Omg" I breathe out in relief when I see Damon still asleep. I walk over and sit on the edge of the bed. "Boo!!!" Damon says while grabbing my back and pulling me in bed. He saw my face and how I was covered in worry and tears. "I didn't mean to scare you that much" he says as he gently cups my crying face into his hands. I search for his icy blue eyes (which matched mine perfectly) and said "Jazmyn is dead." It was a dead silence until Damon pulled me into a tight hug. The sun was setting and I really didn't want to go to my own room so I slept with Damon.

The sun didn't wake me up but the cold icy air did. I open my eyes to find myself in a completely different room from where I was last night. I tried to get up but the vervain ropes kept me from even moving. "Hello" I say stupidly, regretting my decision as soon as I talked. A mysterious man walked over to me with a syringe and stabbed it in my neck. I struggle in pain to at least try and snap these ropes but it was useless. "Welcome to Augustine" he whispers as I drift off to sleep.

I wake up (again) in a different room but this time I wasn't tied down. "The sneaky little bitches" I groan realising they injected me with vervain. I crawl toward the jail bars hoping to see someone or even something that will help me get out. "Hello" another voice comes. I looked around my room but didn't see anyone which left me in a pit on confusion. I see a hand reach through a small set of bars down on the ground and decide to shake them. "Hey I'm Chloe" I say feeling a little happier I'm not alone. "Ahh it's a girl not a boy this time. Well I'm Enzo" he replies letting go his firm grip on my small hand. "What is this place and what do you mean by the boy?" I ask tying not to think about how much I feel hurt. "Oh yeah your a newbie. Well this is Augustine, where they test on your vampire body, cutting you up into pieces"Enzo grunts. "And the last person that was in that cell was Damon Salvatore.

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