Bound ~ Chapter 2

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Chapter 2~ Man up

The morning was gray and Malfoy woke up sweating and shaking. He had to have Potter, even just seeing him and basking in his idiocy would make him feel better. He felt like he was sucked dry of energy, his chest was tight and heart pounding. This could only get worse. That night he had barely slept, When he did he dreamt of Potter just Potter. Potter running away from him, his scent tickling at his nose. He just had to get there. Though every time he came close to snatching his coat and pulling him to him he would pull away.

Malfoy would be left chasing him like a greyhound on the scent of it's prey. Draco swung his legs out of bed and slowly trying to ease the hunger for Potter with scathing angry thoughts. He managed to cross the room without falling. He desperately clutched his rooms doorframe to keep himself up. Fucking Potter that bloody bastard. A snowy white owl swooped through the sky to his window. Potter's owl. Why had he sent the animal? Did he send it with an angry letter about the night before, or maybe he had ideas about the day before. Draco slowly walked to the place where Hedgewig had dropped the parchment.

He unrolled the thick cream paper and read Harry's thick handwriting smiling. So maybe Potter had manned up. There was a loud rapping on his room door. He shoved the note under his pillow and slowly walked. to the door. Pansy sat at the door all pouty red lips and open robe. Her bust was shown peaking from the top of her shirt. She crossed her arms around her chest staring at Draco sexily. Draco looked at her not turned on at all but more annoyed from being held up. He was hungry, needed a cold shower, and had to see Harry. He pushed past pansy and headed towards the bathroom

"Come on baby! No kiss? You missed the first three periods Zambini told me and the professors that you were sick and surprisingly no nonsense Snape took the story unquestioningly, so," she said looking at him and fluttering her eyelashes "Who did you fuck?" Pansy looked at Malfoy.

Malfoy looked at her annoyed "Pansy buzz off I fucked no one,"

"Liar!" she grabbed the back of his t-shirt and Malfoy pulled away. "Tell me," shrieked.

"Pansy even IF I did contact anyone last night why do you care?" Malfoy's eyes flashed dangerously.

"Because your a Slytherin! Your also my best friend! Besides what was that parchment on your desk?" He brushed her words of quickly

"Just a letter from my mum he mumbled.

"Oh," Pansy said. "So false alarm?"

"Yeah," Draco said turning into the locker room.

Harry worriedly looked around the potions class room. Draco had missed first and second period. Ron flipped through his book to the lesson page. He looked at Harry who sat staring at where Draco sat.

"So you've noticed too! The prick isn't here!" Harry looked at Ron his brows knitted together.

“You think he's sick or something?”

"Let's hope the arse is mate! All he does is make our life hell!"

"Well he's bad but I don't want him dead," Harry whispered.

The rest of the lesson Harry contemplated searching for Draco. Perhaps he had killed himself. It would be all Harry's fault if he had. Harry imagined how Malfoy would look body strewn across the bed his cherry lips hanging open and white-blonde hair strewn across the pillow. His stormy gray eyes open staring into nothing. He imagined Draco's pale skin tinged blue his robes in disarray. Harry almost felt Draco was beautiful. Harry stopped his train of thoughts noticing the class had started dismissing for lunch. He walked with Ron into the lunch room.

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