Bound ~ Chapter 10

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A/N I decided to change stuff up fb:3 well I'm sorry my last authors note sucked I'm prolly going to tear down all of chapter 9. IM SICK! I blame you! Lol jk I blame my moms nasty behind smoothies who puts celery with dates -____- MY MERE!!!! oh well I shall be sick :( . I dont find shit adorable when I'm sick though so I don't think I'll write for a while BREAK!!! So I'm putting bound on hold. I need to get well my priorities straight and my life back. Take care of the story by voting though :) that's all I ask I'll be gone a month tops

When Zabini found Ariel she was sitting outside of the school still the Tabby staring at the sky laziy flicking her tail.

"Ariel, sweetie,"

The cat looked up at Zabini quickly looking away and Ariel hid her head in her paws.

"Ariel say somthing to your brother!" Zabini said desperately leaning against the tree.


Zabini's Dark eyebrows bunched together and he took his wand out of his pocket "Zalinus Huminus Bothcha ,"

Ariel felt herself involuntarily shifting back in to her form. Frustrated she stood kicking at Zabini. "I HATE YOU, get away!!" she cried tears in her eyes.

Zabini looked at her sadly "Please you don't understand!"

"I understand completely you are an animal and you can't control yourself!" she wiped away the first few tears that fell. "I believed you when you said the rumors you raped Draco were fake, now I know you lied to me!"

She wept openly the fireflies swarming around her like little laterns.

"Please forgive me, please I love you, you are my sister. I have always been there for you. You can't just drop me like this,"

Ariel got up walking away "you have denied kinship to me people don't even know your my brother," she sniffed. "That really hurts! I can't even say I have a brother! Or be with you with your Slytherin buddies,"

"As I to the Gryffindor !" he pleaded holding his temper.

"I don't know who you are anymore okay!" Ariel cried starting back up to the castle.

"STOP!" Zabini cried "What are you gonna do about all this?! Huh you can't change me!!!!"

"I'm going home!" she said running away "I don't want to be a part of this world anymore with you I miss mum!"

Zabini grabbed his sisters arm "Please!!! No don't do that! I will do whatever I need to do just stay please,"

Zabini felt tears streaming down his cheeks "I promise I just am protecting you! That why we have different last names. To keep you safe from bullies in both houses ! It's best they don't know so they don't try and take advantage of me not being around always. At home I won't be able to help you any!"

He held her protectively.

She pushed away "I can take care of myself Kay ? Don't worry about me I'll be fine. I have a Whole year to finish," she said walking back to the castle.

"Your staying?"

Ariel didn't turn around "Do what you have to do big brother, maybe someday I will be able to fully forgive you,"

Zabini bit his lip his handsome features saddened by what happened between them "I hope you can,"he whispered his words morose.

Ariel fought against the bitter wind back to the warm looking castle. She still felt the pain of her brother having lied to her for three years. It felt like a plate breaking over your head and the glass falling in your eyes. It was truly heart breaking.


Harry stared at Draco he was as of this moment curled up in the quite large four poster bed snoring like a drunken man. Harry had carried Draco's heavy bum to the room of requirement and removed his clothes and tucked him in. As of now he was dressed in some green and black footy PJs he looked like a big baby. A big baby he would shag Harry's mind added. Harry chuckled trying not to laugh. Harry silently walked over to Draco and stared deeply at him. His eyes traced over his strong features. Harry could see why all the Slytherin females wanted him. Even some o the males and that was saying somthing. Harry had assumed and was convinced that he was undeniably straight before this. The logic however failed to prove true though. Draco was different; ever since Harry had first saw him he felt something different that had never been there when he looked at anyone. He felt nervous and shy. This perplexed him, the feeling was easily covered up with hate. Now those feelings were resurfacing like old bones and Harry finally knew what they were.

He was feeling love.

Harry slipped into the bed beside Draco. His body had shifted against his. Harry felt the knot in his chest loosen. This felt right, more right than kissing Ginny more right than he had been in a long time. Harry smiled wrapping his arms around Draco's waist kissing his for head.

"I love you,"


Ginny paced furiously.

"He's up to no good! I'm telling you he's cheating on me! I'd hate to think with Malfoy but it might be,"

"Good luck on getting info," Cho chuckled flicking her hand at her.

"What do ya mean," She asked eyebrow raised.

Cho rolled her eyes "I tried to do a report on them and these new interns foiled my plan,"

Ginny groaned shaking her head. "I hate to say this but..." she paused dramtically "Draco Malfoy has got to go,"

Cho lifted an eyebrow "What for?"

"He's ruining my chances of becoming mrs.Potter, we all know it's my destiny,"

She took out a small make up mirror anne opened it staring into it seriously "show me Harry potter," she commanded.

Cho eagerly peered into the mirror. In the mirror an image of Draco and Harry sleeping together reflected from the glass.

"NOOOOOOO!" Ginny screamed throwing the mirror down dramatically. "THAT BLONDE WHORE BEWITCHED AND STOLE MY MAN!"

Cho's eyes widened "Are you sure Harry didn't want this?"

"Of course not that's why I must kill him," she said darkly.


WOAH we got a badass over here! I voted! You should to it's just so easy and it was my birthday on march the 28th it'll be my late gift. Anyways well drama has a new mama vote and maybe ginny will fail!

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