Bound ~ Chapter 12

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Ginny sat on the stump her hair cast over her face like drapes. She looked like the grudge except alive. Very much alive. She played with the knife waiting for Draco to come she knew he was coming she could feel it in her blood.she twisted the blade in her hands admiring the shining metal.

She let herself be fascinated with how the light reflected and bounced off of it. The hilt had a skull at the end a skull signifying what she must do.

Cho watched beyond the trees looking at Ginny worriedly she had followed her out of Hogwarts and now sat watching her through the trees she may have been mad at Harry for not falling in love with her but she didn't want him killed.

The moon shown like a loan silver eyes scouring the earth. Draco's hair shown bright as he dragged his body in zombie like motions to Ginny. The dry grass scraped under his feet.

Sticks breaking and crunching like dry brittle bones. Ginny could now hear Draco she stood unsheathing the glimmering blade. The sound of the leaves dragging got louder and louder and louder as Draco neared. Cho's heart sped up as she watched Ginny.

Draco came into the clearing finally covered in wet leaves and sticks. Ginny snapped releasing him from his trance. Then Ginny lunged.

"YOU STOLE MY LOVE," she cried sinking the knife deep into Draco's arm.

He screamed disoriented. Then Ginny tackled him slashing his cheek. Draco felt pain like needles rip through him. He pushed Ginny away.

"WHAT THE BLOODY FUCK!" Draco cried.

Ginny stood angry to have had missed the target of his heart and walked towards him dangerously growling like a hungry mutt.

"You stole Harry fucking Potter from me. I tried to have sex with him, love him everything and he wouldn't have it because of you,"

Her eyes are cast to the side distractedly looking away.

"He probably even had sex with you she said,"

Draco tried to back away to the forest back to the castle.

"ANSWER ME DAMMIT!" she screamed running abd pounding the knife into The tree next to Draco's head.

Cho barreled from behind the tree trapping Ginny in between her Arms knocking the knife fromu her grip.


"No," Ginny shook her head "NO!" she cried bringing out her wand and blasting Cho against a tree.

Cho groaned cracking her neck. Draco was trying to limp away his arm hanging at his side. Ginny effortlessly lifted him and tied him up along with Cho.

Her eyes were an inky black. Blue lines that curled around her eyes flashed on her face like a pulsating heart.

"You've been using dark Magic Gin?"

Ginny turned her eyes to Cho.

"I thought you were my best friend and here you are protecting this mam whore I'm ridding the Earth of. Now I'm going to have to kill you too,"

She turned away in the midnight sky the fire illuminates half of her face.

"Let's get Harry to find out we have the town whore everyones been fucking," she pulls Draco's hair throwing him.

"Even Zabini had his way with you WHORE!"

Cho squeezed her eyes shut praying to herself silently.

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