Chapter ~ 6

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Cho walked into the Daily Hogwart's papers head chiefs room.

"Somethings going on with Harry," she said. The chief looked up from her writing

"Ok and?"

Cho mumbled now nervous. "I don't have any actual leads but I'm pretty sure it has somthing to do with a girlfriend. We think he's going out with Ginny Weasly," she paused. "But that's just what he says we don't actually know who the lucky girl doing the honors is,"

The head master smiled "Or it could be a boy," that would ruin the golden boys image forever. Imagine him doing another male," she laughed.

Cho gave a tight smile thinking "I have only seen him around Ron and Draco Malfoy recently,"

Without looking up the curly haired short brunette woman replied " I want you to watch all three of them matter fact get her get those four little interns to help,"

Cho nodded with a clipboard in hand. she walked over to the little cubicle area the interns shared and smiled over sugaring the smile " I need you to do something for me,"

Katelyn looked up glasses neatly at the end of her nose smiling "We are at your service!"

Tatyana stuffed her cell phone away. Sarah looked at Cho not impressed book in hand. Chloe sat defiantly looking at her arms crossed. Cho shivered a little she wondered sometimes why they had agreed to take these creeps on, she clapped.

"So we are going to need you to spy on these three people,"

She handed a picture to Sara, Katelyn and Tatyanna.

"You want us to spy on Harry Potter?" Katelyn asked.

"We can't do that he would know he kinda is really secretive you know?"

She nodded "we know that's why it'd be best for yu to do it he would never think children were stalking him especially you year three kids never do. Besides he would know somthing was up if I did it,"

Chloe read the mission papers "Big gay scandal?" she lifted an eyebrow "Don't you think journalism should be more about truth and not entertainment?"

Cho flushed "Um well drama sells,"

"Did you really like Harry Potter?" Chloe glared at Cho her chestnut coloured eyes staring through her.

Cho blushed looking away. Chloe smiled triumphantly "Your a bad liar, you should have picked a more honest line of work,"

Cho was becoming annoyed and began turning red

"Just go allready!!!"

The four girls scrambled up walking out of the room and into the Hallway.

Katelyn clapped "We have to get the best damned story it'll be so full of truth it'll choke you!"

Sarah smiled reluctantly "ill go with Chloe and spy in Draco. You two go spy on Weasley,"

Katelyn nodded and beckoned Tatyanna "Come on," they set off " Well meet back here in ten minutes and then spend the rest of our time looking at Harry,"

They nodded splitting.


Ron was not aware of the two girls watching him " he just sat in the courtyard staring about. His red hair ruffled in the wind and he just sat a piece of grass hanging out his mouth. Sarah smiled looking at Tatyanna

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