Bound ~ Chapter 5

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When Harry woke up the sun filtered through his curtains and hit his face. Today he had worked everything out. He would meet Draco outside the castle and they would go down into town to Hogsmeade and go to The Toad Stool. The other day before he had stolen two strands of hair from Cedric Diggory and George Weasley who were well known to be Gay and had gone out to visit the Weasley family for holiday. He had a days worth of poly-juice so he was sure they'd be good for the rest of the day.

Harry slipped on some denim jeans that fit his ass well and a light yellow v-neck shirt that made his eyes pop. He pulled on some red-orange Vans and walked out the door with a long jacket and another scarf. He saw Cho as he was walking down the hallway.

"So your going out with Ginny?She looked down trying to look demure, innocent, and cute.

Harry wanted to cast her away. He didn't want an actress in his presence.

"Yeah Cho, I'm kinda in a rush though," he explained. Cho nodded walking on.

"Lets talk later Kay?"

Harry thought "Maybe,"

He rolled his eyes females. Sometimes he hated them they were so annoying, no wonder some men went gay. Harry sat down in a secluded corner waiting he was early but knew Draco would be down soon.


When Draco awoke the nurse was nudging his shoulder. "Honey I think your ready to go!"

Draco yawned remembering that he had an all day date with Harry. He found Harry's scarf wrapped around his body. This was extremely relaxing and comforting. He smiled nodding at the nurse.

"Thank you!"

She chuckled "No problem, I would have sent Harry in earlier if I had know he had such a magical touch with healing "

Draco blushed "Please tell no one,"

The nurse smiled putting her finger up to her lip her wrinkles smiling with her.

"Thats our little secret now,"She turned away." Besides I bet some people all ready know, you moaned his name all night,"

Draco turned the color of an over ripe tomato. He would have loved to die at that moment. Malfoy pushed out of the clinic and down the hallway. He stopped at a huge painting of his Great Grandfather, He whispered "Hoggleknocks" and the picture became transparent and he passed through it. He sighed the smell of home. His room smelt like pine trees and cinnamon. He remembered that he had Potters scarf haphazardly on his arm. He stuffed the scarf under his pillow.

He would be late, he mumbled a cleaning charm that freshened him up. It left his medium length blonde hair shagged and skin glowing. He quickly changed into a pine green shirt and purple skinny jeans. He slipped on some black and white converse slipping his coat on over it on and slapping on his shirt. Draco barely looked in the mirror hurrying down the hallways he couldn't be late, he was never late. Draco checked his watch. There were two minutes before bed be late. He shoved students out of the way nearing the entrance hallway doors. He finally neared the entrance and stopped huffing to see Harry siting on a bench newspaper in hand. He looked ravishable, Draco quickly walked to him.

" You have to wear something so attractive?"

Harry smiled "Glad you like it, drink this," he handed Draco a vial of poly juice already mixed.

Draco lifted an eyebrow "Potter are you trying to poison me,"

"Merlin no Malfoy just drink it, I have some Its poly juice,"

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