Bound ~ Chapter 4

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Harry had ignored reading the newspaper, he knew it had some scandalous story about students that most likely wasn't true.

"Extra Extra read all about it! Draco Malfoy leader of Slytherin house takes mysterious Ill. Harry stopped at the bin. He thought about buying one, Malfoy was sick, he had known this would happen. Harry wearily picked up a magazine tossing some money in the stand slot. He walked into the library and settled in a large plush chair. He began reading the article.

Slytherin heartthrob Draco Malfoy has recently taken ill. He is reported to have slipped into a coma. He is rumored to be at home on bed rest. The Malfoy mansion is nothing short from the epitome of grand luxury. So it seems are Draco will be very comfortable. So best wishes to our beloved classmate. We all know Pansy will be taking extra good-

Harry stopped reading disgusted. He knew Draco was here somewhere he had to find him. He would die if he didn't , Ron didn't matter and Hermione didn't really matter either. Harry put down the newspaper and saw his face on the front. Him and his hickey. NEW GIRLFRIEND FOR HARRY POTTER! FIND OUT WHO!

"There was no one!" he wanted to scream. Instead he sighed and shut his eyes. Sarah peeked through a book hole.

"Omg it's him!" she whispered.

Ariel excitedly jumped up and down. "Tati! Get your ass over here we found The Potter!"

Tatyanna a short caramel coloured Ravenclaw hurried peeking around the bookshelf. Ariel shushed the girls pulling a's small camera from her bag.

"What are you doing!?" Sarah asked frantically waving her hands about.

Harry heard the whispering and turned to look at the book shelf.

"I'm just gonna get one pic!"

"No, she's right! If we get caught we are definitely dead!"Tatyanna said covering her mouth.

"let's do it for the sake of photo journalism!"

Harry quickly creeped up to the bookshelf. The three girls were too busy quarreling to notice him. One had a camera, she must've been the one to snap that pic of him.

"Hey, your that reporter girl I demand you, look at me!"

Slowly the girl turned around trembling. Her brown eyes were wide the other girls had run off.

"I promise you I never ever took a picture of you! Before this!""I'm doing a report on you and thought it'd be cool to have a picture of you, I promise!" she cried tears at her eyes.

Harry ruffled his hair sighing "I believe you,"

The girl sighed "Can I still get a picture?" she asked smiling sweetly.

Harry smiled " Sure,"

He posed for the girl who quickly snapped a picture. Harry then saw Snape turn the corner arms crossed.

"Ms.Lee and Potter we meet again, I'm glad to see you doing your paper," he said nodding at the girl dismissing her.

She took the chance and waved at Harry scampering off to find her friends. Snape's face quickly hardened.

"You have some explaining to why you neglected Malfoy," he got closer to Harry his dark hair swinging in his face.

"Is he ok?"

"What do you think Potter?" Snape grabbed Harry's shoulder in a clenching grip. "Come with me, we will see how ok he is,"

Harry's face turned red and he winced from the iron grip.

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