AU: The Bloodstained Demon (Part 1)

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WHAT IF...Eri died while trying to save her mother? What would happen to Kazu?


If he looked in the mirror, he would only see the whites of his eyes. But he wouldn't be looking in mirrors for a long time, since he was on the run.

He was no longer known as Kazu. He was called the Bloodstained Demon.

The very mention of the Bloodstained Demon struck fear into people's hearts. He was believed to have tortured and killed a prisoner in the Shadowland Royal Palace when he went insane. A few months later, an entire village's residents above the age of seventeen were slaughtered; this village was located in Automatia. Not long after that, three elders of the Shadow Warrior clan were found dead.

Only a few people knew the Demon's true identity, and why he had become this way. He was just broken. He'd lost the person he loved most in the world because of some stupid belief that women were inferior. His revenge was to destroy anyone and everyone who spread that belief.

Communities who had earlier ill-treated their womenfolk changed overnight, not out of any genuine belief that their ideas were wrong, but out of fear that the Demon would find them and kill them in the most painful way possible.

He was broken, and wanted nothing more than to give up on life. But he couldn't stop. He wouldn't stop until he was done.

At that moment, he was after the man who used to be his father. The older man looked so much like him, but he couldn't remember why. All he remembered was that the three elders he'd killed influenced this man, and he was behaving the same way.

No girl should have to die because of these beliefs. Nobody else will lose the ones they love. Not like I did.

The red-haired man in front of him cowered, knowing that it was his son who would kill him. 

The Bloodstained Demon raised his blade to finish the job. It hadn't responded to him ever since he'd killed Alistair, but he didn't care.

He had no heart left, anyway. It had died with Eri.

*  *  *  *  

Many years later, the Demon found his way to the hills in the Country of Light. He didn't know how long had passed since Eri had died. All he could remember was her falling off the cliff, and landing on her head. She had died before he could tell her that he loved her.

He lay down on the soft grass, wishing she were there with him to enjoy the sight. He was tired and lonely. 

Finally, after years of holding it in, he let a tear slip from his eyes. He missed her so much. Closing his eyes, he visualized her smile: it was the only thing that kept him going. But it only made the tears flow faster. He cried for the first time since Eri's death.

He didn't know if he imagined it, but he felt someone's hands lifting his head up and placing it on their lap. The same person pressed their lips to his forehead, and he knew he wasn't imagining it.

His instincts told him who it was. Opening his eyes, he saw her. She looked exactly the same: brown hair, brown eyes, sweet smile. The only difference was that she was glowing a little.

"I'm sorry," he whispered hoarsely, his voice cracking from years of silence. She was the only one who could make him feel remorse for anything he'd ever done. "I couldn't save you."

"I know," she said. "Some things weren't meant to happen. But I wish I hadn't found you like this."

"Do you hate me for what I've done?"


"But...I'm a monster."

"I know."

"Then why..?"

"It's not something you should have done, and I'm disappointed at your actions. But I don't hate you. I just can't."

"I'm sorry..."

"I know...just don't do it again. Now, sleep. I'll be there when you wake up. Just rest, okay? I'm here for you."

He closed his eyes, smiling softly. He swore he would never hurt anyone again. 

She softly pressed her lips to his. "I love you," she whispered. "I always have."

"I love you too," he whispered. Reaching out blindly, he felt her smaller hand in his. Holding her hand had always brought him comfort, back when they were teenagers. Back then, he'd often imagined a future with her, where they would live in a place with blue skies and a golden sun, not that dark hell that was the Shadowland. He'd imagined waking up with her in his arms every morning, running a hand through her hair. He had imagined a small house for themselves and their children, a quiet life, like he'd always wanted...but with her.

But he had lost everything in one moment. The head injury had killed her instantly. His memories were a little blurry after that, but he vividly remembered Alistair, who had pushed her off. He felt a little satisfaction, remembering what he'd done to that man.

Eyes still shut, he felt her place a hand on his forehead. He needed peace. He wanted to repent. Tomorrow...I'll turn myself in. I'll pay for my sins...

They found his body the next morning, but he didn't care. Kazu was with Eri, and that's all that mattered to him.

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