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The autumn term had been a particularly good one for Eri. She found her teaching to have improved, and had received an enthusiastic batch - some of them a bit too enthusiastic at times, which often made her nervous.

A certain someone was behind her increased optimism, and that someone had visited her again that weekend.

Walking down the hallway towards her class, Eri didn't notice some of the older students staring at her, their jaws dropped. She had absolutely no idea that a few students were extremely attracted to her, and a couple of the men in the advanced Master's program (who were probably older than her) had planned on asking her out.

This time, though, these students could only stare.

*  *  *  *

"Good morning!" Eri greeted Tsul, her good friend and fellow professor.

"Good morning," he said, looking up from his work. "I presume your fiance visited you over the weekend?"

"Y-yes." Eri blushed. She always did, whenever someone spoke about Kazu these days. "He's still here for a few days."

"That's good." Tsul paused. "Oh, if you'd like him to stay longer, here's something he might be interested in." Picking up a file from his desk, he opened it and handed Eri a sheet of paper.

Monsoon Military Academy

A fresh outlook for all youth looking to make a difference!
Admission requirements (for students):
1. Minimum 18 years
2. Pass the physical exam
3. Believe in yourself!

We are currently looking for instructors for the next term. Interested persons may apply to the address below.

"You said he's from a warrior clan, right?" Tsul said. "I think he might be interested in teaching here. The military school is just ten minutes away from here."

"T-thank you! I'm sure he'll be interested!"

"One more thing..."

"Yes?" Eri hung her coat on the hook behind the door and turned back to look at her colleague.

", might want to look in the mirror."

"Is there something on my face?" Eri asked, opening her bag. Lila had forced her to keep a pocket mirror in her bag for the last year, just in case.

"N-not quite." For the first time, Tsul was looking a little flustered, which confused Eri. What was making him flustered?

She held the mirror to her face, and saw nothing. "I don't see anything," she said, lowering it a little. "Tsul, what are you-"

There it was, comfortably settled right above her left collarbone. Red, with hints of purple, fading away at the edges.

Falling silent, she stared at the reflection in the mirror for a few seconds before turning away and exiting the room, slamming the door behind her.

When on her own, Eri buried her face in her hands, feeling the heat from her cheeks. Memories of the previous evening flooded her mind; she'd completely forgotten about it.

"May I?" She heard him whisper against her neck. "I won't do anything you don't want me to."

Her heart racing, she whispered, "yes".

Her neck stung for a few minutes, but Kazu made sure to place little kisses there after he was done, to soothe the pain.

"Do you want more?" He asked. When Eri shook her head, he said, "Okay."

Leaving a final kiss on her collarbone, he made her rest her head on his lap, running a hand through her hair and pressing his lips to her forehead.

Though she was embarrassed, Eri couldn't help smiling. 

Once her initial moment of happiness faded, she realized that this mark was completely visible. What should I do now? She asked herself. Her dress didn't cover it up, and she didn't have anything on her, beside her coat, that could conceal it. The locket didn't do much to hide it either.

Two hours later, she walked down the hallway, her back straight and chin up. The mark was as prominent as ever, but it was hidden by a scarf. More than a feeling of embarrassment, it was the feeling of keeping it private that led her to buy the scarf.

Although many students and faculty had seen it already, Eri wanted the mark to just be for herself and Kazu to see. It was their moment of privacy, and she would rather not have anyone intrude.

Of course, on the rare moments that her scarf did slip off her neck, she didn't mind displaying it with pride for a few moments.

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