Tia at The Academy

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"Good morning, class!" Tia Rosen said brightly, walking into the classroom. A group of nervous fourteen-year-olds chorused "Good morning" in reply.

She smiled. Nothing had changed from the students she'd taught over two decades ago. They all had that nervous, yet excited look in their eyes. There was also a little awe in their expressions, given that the Guardian of The Academy of Magic was conducting one of their first Casting classes.

"So, as you would know, I'm Tia Rosen, Guardian of the school. Sometimes, I like to take classes with students, just to see how you're settling in and to keep track of your progress. That's why I'm here. Now, I hear you've been taught to cast basic element spells. I want you to keep practicing those spells, and I'll come around and check your progress. If there's anything you need help with, don't hesitate to ask."

Of course, the students did hesitate to ask. Tia couldn't help smiling: this was such typical behaviour of first-years. They're so cute, she thought, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She observed a young boy in the second row glare at the rune sheet, as though it had snapped at him. Walking up to him, she leaned down and spoke to him softly.

"Are you having trouble with the runes?"

The boy jumped. "Y-y-yes, m-ma'am."

His stammer reminded Tia of Eri in her younger days. Eri would stammer a lot around strangers, and even if she was nervous or surprised around people she was comfortable with. Fortunately, it had improved a lot after her second or third year at school. Tia was thankful.

"What's troubling you?" She asked the student. The boy explained his issue, and it took Tia a couple of seconds to realize what was wrong.

"You just need confidence," she said gently. "You're worrying about the spell too much. Rather than concentrating on a bonfire, think of a small, simple candle flame as your goal. Start small, and then take little steps to achieve bigger goals."

"Y-yes, ma'am."

"Good. I think you're doing quite well otherwise. Just relax, and have some more confidence in yourself." Smiling, Tia continued to move around the class.

She remembered her first time teaching, when her class was a group of twelve students who were barely five or six years younger than her. The students had to calm her down and tell her she was doing a good job. And look where I am now, Tia thought. It's been a long journey.

Short, but sweet. I thought I'd write a bit about Tia, since I almost forgot about everyone else while writing KazEri fluff. Like I've said before, this book is just an excuse for fluff stories, but it's important for me to talk about the other characters as well.

Major chapters and stories coming up in a few weeks! Stay tuned!

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