Modern! AU: Daily Life

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Belongs to a farmer's family, and moves to the city when she's in high school, so that she can experience urban life, even though it makes her nervous. She would like the suburbs, and spend her free time in the local parks and libraries. She would live in a small rented flat not far from school, so that she can save time. Doesn't have much social media presence, but loves Tumblr.

At school, she'd hang out on her own, but would become very close friends with Marcus, because they love reading, and have a lot of encounters in the library. Just like in the main story, she would join the Art Club, but half the members wouldn't even know she's there, since she always sits in the corner. (Kuroko no Basuke fans, anyone?)

A socialite. Fought tooth and nail to get to attend an ordinary high school, and is friends with Eri only because they got paired up for a group project. She's on the school track team and is in a local hiking club.

At school, she prefers to hang out with her friends from the sports clubs and PE, but sometimes interacts with other socialites on campus, knowing how important it is to maintain connections (especially since her family is far more powerful than theirs). She's quite popular on social media as well, namely Twitter and Instagram. Her account gets verified by the time she's 18. Since she's a socialite, she has to attend a lot of parties, but manages to talk her way out of most of them/sneak out so that she can visit Eri.

As in the main story, he's from a very academic family, and he's really ambitious (by that, I mean Master's and PhD). Because of the amount of time he spends in the library, he meets Eri, and actually agrees to spend more time in clubs and stuff. He's the one most likely to be on Wattpad, and would alternate between teen fiction and adventure.

Some time after this, he meets Kazu while playing basketball (*cough* Kuroko no Basuke *cough*). Marcus can't shoot to save his life, and Kazu messes up his passes nine times out of ten. So they get paired up to help each other. Marcus plays basketball mostly for fun, but gets serious about it when he's older. Has twisted his ankles multiple times trying to dunk, especially since he's not that tall.

Comes from a military family, but isn't too interested in following his father and sister into the army. He's moved out of his house as well, and stays two buildings away from Eri's apartment. He met Lila at a party, and since she dragged Eri along, he met Eri there as well. His only social media account is Instagram, and he's ten times more popular than he expected to be.

He likes basketball (imagine Akashi Seijuro, only less scary), and also knows how to use a gun (courtesy of his father). Given his family's military background, he's lived in a few other places before moving here, so he's very adaptable, but surprisingly asocial. As in the main story, he only opens up around Eri, because they're both very quiet people, and likes hanging out in the nearby woods.

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