The Bloodstained Demon (Part 2)

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Alternative ending to the whole story of Kazu going insane after Eri's death. This part takes place around the time Kazu attempts to kill his father.


"Stop it!" A voice cried out.

He was about to swing his blade and destroy the man who had once been his father, when someone wrapped their arms around his torso and tried pulling him away.

"Please, Kazu, stop it!"

He knew that voice, but he didn't understand why it was there. She was dead, wasn't she? That's why he was now the Bloodstained Demon.

Turning around, he saw her. She was breathing heavily, like she'd run a great distance. There was a fading glow around her body.


"Don't do it anymore," she begged, holding his hands. Without another word, she pulled him away.

He didn't understand what was going on. Was she alive? And why were they running? Who were they running from?

Eri didn't stop until they were far, far away, and even Kazu was beginning to get tired. They were near a lake, concealed by the trees behind them. She threw her arms around Kazu and began to cry. "Don't do it anymore," she sobbed. "Please."

"You''re alive..." He whispered.

"It took me a while, I'm sorry. Negotiations were going on for far too long, so I just sneaked out before they noticed."


"Sit. You're soaked in blood." She ripped a part of her dress and dipped it in water. As she cleaned Kazu's face and chest, he stared at her in disbelief.

"But you were dead...I saw the body."

"Well...yes. But I came back."


"To stop you from doing more stupid things. You've done enough." Eri was firm, but still caring.


"I-I don't know." For the first time, she looked away. "I just saw you from where I was, and ran. I'm sorry, I really don't get it myself. But I want you to promise me you won't hurt anyone ever again."

"Eri, I-"

"Promise me!" She said in a fierce tone that Kazu had never heard before.

"I...I promise."

She didn't respond, but continued to wipe the blood away.

"There is another world out there," she said quietly. "They choose whether you go to heaven or hell. I asked them to let me return, but they took too long to decide.

"We cannot stay here anymore. There are probably people after you."

"But where do we go?" Kazu was still having trouble believing that Eri was here, with him. He was also thankful that she was a little more decisive than he was; he was not in a state to make any decisions.

"You mentioned lands in the south, a long time ago. Let's go there. Nobody will find you there."

"What about your family? What about Lila and Marcus?"

"I...I don't know." Eri looked away. "I know I should visit them, to tell them I'm alive, but who's going to keep an eye on you?"

*  *  *  *

One year later...

Eri had seen Kazu off before finding her parents and friends. She managed to reassure them that she was back (a lot of explanations were required, however) and very much alive; the hard part was getting them to keep it secret. Her death had been widely publicized in the Mini Lands, which meant it wasn't very easy for her to move around. Naturally, everyone wanted to shout it from the rooftops, but explaining her return from the dead would be another matter altogether.

Kazu, for his part, was terrified that he would lose her again. He had controlled his demon with great difficulty, and if anything happened to her, he knew he'd lose control again.

And so, Eri found herself in the Southern lands as well. Since nobody knew her there, she could go on living life as before, though under a different name.

But Eri and Kazu both knew that the Bloodstained Demon was still in the shadows, waiting...

Filler chapter, but it's important for the one that will follow.

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