Chapter Seven

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"Hey Liam, are you okay? What's wrong," I stopped Liam in his tracks when I saw him walk into the school terrified.

"It's nothing," He muttered, pushing passed me. I grabbed his chest and pushed him back.

"Just because you're a werewolf doesn't mean you're stronger than me. And just because I'm not a werewolf doesn't mean I can't sense your nervous demeanour. Now how about you tell your big sis what's wrong?" I asked Liam. Scott and Stiles came and stood beside me as they heard us speaking.

"Last night, the printer kept going off. I tried to turn it off but it wouldn't stop printing," He whispered to us, looking around hyperactively.

"What did it print off?" Scott asked.

"This," Liam grabbed a paper from the pocket in his jacket and handed it over to us. It was the dead pool.

"Guys can you see the difference?" Stiles asked us. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and concentrated my eyes on the paper.

"My name's not on it anymore," I whispered to myself.

"And I'm now worth even more," Liam chimed in.

Scott looked at me, "What does that mean?"

I laughed nervously and looked at him, "Maybe they realised I'm a human?"

Scott was about to ask something before we heard coach yelling out in frustration at his printer.

Paper after paper were being printed off of the dead pool, all of them which my name weren't on. Maybe I wasn't going to be killed, maybe they realised.

I'm just a human with no benefit to them. But deep down I knew why my name wasn't on it. Scott had told me yesterday that a banshee was behind it and if that is true it could only mean one thing.

The banshee knew I was going to die, the only difference is it wasn't going to be because of an assassin


I was shaking when I was placing mascara on my lashes. Tonight there was going to be this huge bonfire party and I had messaged Brett to come but he still hasn't replied. Does he regret kissing me?

'Hey Brett, remember when u said we're still kids & that we should be planning what we're gonna wear to a part instead of fighting for our lives? Well do u wanna go to a bonfire party tonight @ 7?'

I sent the message this morning and he hasn't replied which I'm guessing that means he just doesn't want to come. Maybe the text was too long? Oh god I should really stop overthinking. I sighed and put the brush back in the mascara and applied highlighter to my upper cheekbones.

I had a black lacy bra on with a mesh top over it and black high waisted shorts. I wore my signature black boots, daggers in them of course, and to not look too shabby, I wore my hair into a ponytail. 

I groaned in frustration at how idiotic I am to think that there was someone out there that could fill the gap that formed when Aiden had died.

Tears once again begun to form in my eyes but I bit my tongue and whispered to myself.

"I'm 17 but I'm still a little girl with real feelings, it's okay Kendall. You can find someone soon even if the last person who you had fate in died because of unnatural tall little fūckers called Onis"

I grabbed my keys and walked out to my car. Looking at my phone once more to see if there was a message from Brett, only to be disappointed once again.

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