Part Two

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As his parents began clearing the table, Chanyeol took another shot of the drink in front of him. Yoora did the same, though less forcibly, watching her younger brother look almost too distracted to notice the way she had been staring at him for the last five minutes.

The silence between them was only broken when Sehun got off the floor and pushed the blinds at the front of the house upwards, peering outside into the night. Frowning, Yoora released Chanyeol from her gaze and darted her eyes towards her son.

"Sehun, what're you doing?"

"You didn't let me play with Kyungsoo today," the seven year old muttered in response. "His dad's picking him up now..."

Chanyeol perked. He turned around and left the table, Yoora following after. "Who's picking him up?"

"His dad?" Sehun repeated as if confused by the fact that he had to clarify again. "See?"


Ignoring his sister, Chanyeol stood beside Sehun and pressed his forehead against the glass, peering out the window. Squinting his eyes, he tried to see the two figures underneath the dim streetlight and though it took a while, Chanyeol eventually made out a familiar face looking over to hold a child's hand.

Without thinking, he left the window and unlocked the door. Before Yoora could even think to intervene, he threw it open and stared out, only moving slightly to the right when Sehun nudged him for space.

"Kyungsoo!" Sehun yelled out, cupping his hands to his mouth. "Bye!"

Chanyeol watched as the child he saw before, Kyungsoo, gave a small, but short wave as he was being picked up by his dad and settled into his seat. He said nothing, seeing as how the latter before him wasn't too keen on interacting with him at all.

"Bye, Baekhyun!"

Kicking the stand off the bike, Baekhyun (Chanyeol was slightly annoyed how Sehun never said his last name, which would've hinted at the man's marital status) waved back, giving the seven year old the missing grin that Kyungsoo had not given. He looked different from what Chanyeol could remember, but at the same time, he looked so unchanged. Granted that it might've been the poor lighting and the night making his ex-boyfriend seem that way, but Chanyeol just knew despite the circumstances.

The two rode away without Baekhyun saying a word or stopping by to greet him. Chanyeol had been gone for so many years, it would've been common courtesy to stop by and say hello, but for some reason, that wasn't the case. Baekhyun didn't seem like he wanted to talk at all, and despite their break up being on good terms, the latter acted as if talking to him would've been an absolute nightmare.

Then again, maybe talking to him wasn't an option. If what Chanyeol had been thinking about was right, then Kyungsoo was Baekhyun's kid. The brunet must've been embarrassed. He was only twenty-five with a kid in tow already. And was he even married? The thought brought a burning sensation in Chanyeol's throat. It might've been from unresolved feelings for his first and only serious love, but he didn't have enough time to linger about it.

Yoora reached out and touched him by the arm. "He already left. There's no reason for you to keep staring out the door, dummy."

"I know, but..." Chanyeol pursed his lips, mouth drawn into a line. "Kyungsoo... He's Baekhyun's."

It wasn't a question. It was a statement.

Responding, Yoora nodded. "Yeah."

"Then who's Kyungsoo's other father?"

For a moment, she was silent, but the tension between them grew and eventually, she said, "Baekhyun doesn't know, Chanyeol."

A chill ran through Chanyeol's body as he turned to her. "What do you mean by that?"

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