Chapter 1: Christmas Break

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A/N: This is the chapter I was supposed to put up last Saturday, I had the day off and was able to write it. I hope you enjoy it. Also, If I don't upload please don't unfollow me....


T blew on his hands to keep them warm. Iris, Becca and Salali were at his house sitting in front of four broken phones in his Dad's workshop. The only thing was the workshop was outside (not insulated)and the temperature was -20C. The four were all bundled up helping T work on a new app for their phones.

During the groups accidental pull back to the Titanic days during the fall, their phones had all been wired backwards. After examining it, T had come up with a way to design an app that would allow them to time travel anywhere, anytime. This is what they were doing now. They had only three days to get it done. Three days before school would start again.

"Okay, now we have to put the phones back together and try to turn them on." T ordered.

Iris looked at him clearly annoyed. "You literally just asked us to take them apart. What did you do to make them turn on this time?"

T's answer of "nothing" made her glare at him furiously.

Putting the phones together for what seemed like the hundredth time, Iris pushed the power button. The phone lit up but instead of the usual apple symbol, it was a picture of a pocket watch with hand moving backward!

Iris looked at T amazed. "Now what?" She asked.

"We go inside and get some hot chocolate."


T sat at his computer for hours that night after his friends had gone home. He was almost done the program. It was a lot harder than he had expected because of the wired wiring. Finally, He took the first phone and plugged it in, clicked 'load' on the computer and held his breath.

Five minutes later, there was a loud rapid beeping. It worked! He had achieved the beeping noise the phones created when about to travel! He took out his normal phone and started to dial a number.


"Hello?" Iris voice was heavy with sleep.

"IRIS!! I DID IT! I GOT IT TO WORK!!" T shouted into the the phone.

It took Iris a few moments to figure out what he was talking about but when she did she was yelling too. "THAT'S GREAT, T!! WHEN CAN WE GO?"

"As soon as school starts and we know what we will be learning about. I love you, good night."


The day before school had finally arrived. The teens were ready for their next time travel, at least they thought they were. They had been practicing using the time travel to go a few seconds into the future but never into the past.

Excitement was in the air as the anticipation for their trip drew near. Mr. Arven had hinted that there will be a lot of violence and hangings in the new year, but whether that was true or not would be known the next day.



A/N: What did you guys think? I'm sorry if it was slow, it will pick up soon. Do you think they will be able to travel back in time to the app? If so will will it take them to the right time? Comment what you think below, and don't forget to follow and vote if you haven't already.

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