Chapter 4: The Secret Conference

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy this chapter. It gave me a bunch of mixed emotions as I wrote this. Please go check out Part 18 of Titanic: Could it be Saved? Titled "Questions". It is an opportunity to ask the characters questions about them selves or anything you might want to know about them. You can also ask me questions about either of the books in this series if you want to learn more.


"We never invited you to join us!" Becca called after him. "You just sat down with-- and he's gone." She said in her normal voice.

The second bell rang signaling they had to get to their next classes, "see you later!" They called to one another.


It seemed like hours before the bell rang again, this time releasing all the teens for the day. Hurrying, the four met in a secluded location in the library. T pulled out a number of papers and his phone while Iris, Becca and Salali pulled out theirs. "Okay, I need to teach you how to work this app for traveling way back. We can jump forward but have never tried back. Turn the phone on and let the program load. If you tap the 'places we've been' button, it will show you the Titanic. It comes up twice because we have been there twice. That's why it is red. We are not supposed to do that..." 

T's voice trailed off for a moment. He sighed, remembering the last trip. 

"Go to location, type in Versailles Palace, 1770. Don't do it now, but then you will hit 'travel'. A warning will pop up telling you what is about to happen during that time. You will then push 'let me travel' and it will ask if you want to be dressed as the nobles. Again hit 'yes'. Beeping will start and in a few moments you will be in the palace of Versailles. Hopefully, if I programmed it right."

At this, Becca looked nervous."What would happen if it doesn't work?"

"Like Iris, we will not exist in the timeline. We will be trapped in the vortex and never be able to get out." T replied seriously.

At this Becca's eyes widened. She started looked through the papers and suggested they start planning for the trip. After all, they planned to make three time jumps to change this event.


Alex arrived at the library shortly after Iris and the gang but he did not see them. He was angry at them for no helping him research which was what he was doing here now. Looking around for the history section, he unknowingly walked right past the place where Becca, Salali, T and Iris were sitting! He turned and walked back, this time noticing them. They were huddled in a circle and did not seen to notice he was there. He heard T explaining the process they would use to time travel. His interest piqued, he stepped closer. Close enough to hear all their plans. Alex frowned to himself. That's why they told him they were going to be busy all week. They weren't going to be here at all.


 Getting ready to leave, Salali looked up and saw Alex standing right behind them. How much had he heard? She nudged the others to look up to. A hurt expression was on his face. "You guys lied to me. You told me you would be busy. Why?" Tears were streaming down his face.


A/N: Please vote and comment and follow if you haven't already. I have been getting a lot of ghost readers who don't do that and it really bugs me. Anyway, What do you think? How should the gang respond to Alex? Let me know!

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