Chapter 6: The Palace of Versailles

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A/N: I was hoping to have two chapters up today to make up for last week, but turns out I am going to busy all day. I am really sorry for not publishing one last week, I really missed writing. I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Alex stared at them with a blank expression on his face. "You really mean it!?!"

"Of course!"

"We wouldn't ask if we didn't want you to be apart of our group!" Salali added.

A huge grin spread across Alex's face. "I would be honored to join your group!" He snuck a glance at Iris which T saw immediately.

After that the five of them were even more inseparable than they were before Alex joined.


Saturday came around dark and stormy. Iris tried not to laugh. It fit considering where they would be in a few hours time- the palace of Versailles. Everyone was to meet at her house where they would use the four phones and attempt to take five people back. Iris fretted over this and T tried to reassure her. He told her the worst that could possibly happen was him not existing in the timeline anymore. All T got was a hand to the cheek.

Finally everyone was here. Alex was looking pale, almost as if he knew what the dangers were. T took charge. "Okay everyone. Let's do this. Alex, hold onto me and whatever you do, don't let go!"

"Wait! Aren't we forgetting something?" Salali asked.

Everyone stopped in their tracks mentally going over the checklist. "No?"

Salali held up a large bag. "Costumes? We don't want to end up like last time, wearing 21st century clothing in the nineteen hundreds. Here." 

Salali handed them each an old looking outfit. They weren't rags, but they weren't silk either. Perfect for the soon to be servants of the French queen. Hastily, they put them on over their clothes.

"Ready?" T asked.

Everyone nodded. "Ready." Alex was the only one who did not look ready.

The four followed the directions exactly as T had told them a few weeks earlier. Every thing started to spin, and them silence.


When their vision cleared they were standing in a garden. Men and women in their best dresses were strolling about. They looked around them. These weren't just any people. These were the noble class of France! They had made it, they were now in France 1770! Following the nobles, they entered a large glass hall. Iris recognized it at once. It was the Hall of Mirrors that Maria Antonia Josepha Joanna, at just 14 years of age, walked down the isle to be married to Louis XVI Dauphin of France. They were looking at the marriage of the century. One that would make history in France.

 It was beautiful. Marie Antoinette's dress contained thousands of diamonds of all sizes. As the reflected off the mirrors thousands became millions. She was a true beauty.


A/N: Do you think Alex made it safely with them? What will they do to change history this time? Comment below and don't forget to vote and follow, if you haven't done so already. Please don't be a ghost reader...

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