Chapter 8: Queen Maire

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A/N: Hey guys, I hope you all like this chapter, in the next one I will explore some of the repercussions of them change this event. Which character do you think is going to be affected this time?


Whoosh! It felt like only seconds to them, but they had been gone from Maria's life for four years. The year was now 1774, and King Louis XV was very sick. As usual, Iris had to explain what was so important about this date.

"France, 1774, the year the King Louis XV of France died leaving 19 year old Marie Antoinette queen of France and her husband Louis the XVI of France. They were a very unprepared couple. They had not yet consummated their marriage. They both had no clue how to run a country. One loved solitude and working with metals and the other loved parties, gambling, and fashions. Our goal here is to educate the queen so that she is able to rule properly."

The group looked around them, they were not standing inside the castle or in the grounds. They were in the village!

Alex was about to ask a question but Salali cut him off. She pointed to someone coming out of the castle wall. As the figure approached, they saw that it was carrying a large bag. The figure walked to the center of the city, set the bag down and took off her cloak. Standing there was none other than Marie Antoinette! Becca gasped. They watched her hand out bread to the peasants when she was all out, her cloak went back on and she headed back to the castle.

It was agreed that the five of them would follow her at a safe distance.Maybe they too would get into the castle by sneaking.


They successfully made it into the castle! Marie Antoinette was starting out the window close by. They had to be careful other wise they would risk her recognizing them from four years ago.

"We saw what you did out there."

Marie Antoinette jumped. "Don't say anything. I am only trying to save my reputation. If you knew that they were planning a mutiny, you would do the same thing, wouldn't you?"

"Your highness, how have you been doing with your promises? You know, the ones that you made to those representatives four years ago?"

Marie Antoinette faltered for a moment. It looked as if she had forgotten about that. They told her she could trust them, they were friends of the representatives. They reminded her of her promises and she said she would work even harder once she was queen.

Suddenly, a loud wailing reached their ears. Hearing this Marie Antoinette burst into tears. "The king is dead, the king is dead," she repeated over and over.

There was nothing they could do. Marie was too distraught to learn properly and there were surely going to be maid looking for her now. She was after all, queen now. Iris told her one more time of her promises and turned to leave. "Goodbye," she whispered. "Stay strong."


Alone once again, they pulled out their phones for the final bit of time travel they would be doing. There was no goal in this, only to make sure it was changed. They were headed to 1789. The year the French revolution started. The travel button on the app was pushed. The five held their breaths and started to fade away.


"Pardon me, ma'am. Where have you been getting your bread from? We are new to the area and thought we could also pick some up," Salali said in perfect French.

The lady looked at them, startled but told them everything. Queen Marie Antoinette it seemed had continued to give the poor people bread even after all these years! She had also apparently cut back her spending and gambling habits as well. She apparently made weekly visits to the villages to make sure everything was up to her standards.

This made everyone feel very happy. "I guess no one is planning a revolt then?" Salali asked her.

"Never! Where did you get that silly idea? We all love our queen."

Alex, Salali, Becca, T and Iris turned and walked out of the city. They had done it again. They had changed history, but the question was; was it for the better or the worse?

 They would know soon enough as they pressed 'home' and everything faded away.


A/N: What did you think? Please comment, vote and follow, if you haven't already. 

Thank you so much for the support on this book and Titanic: Could it be Saved? I have just over 2K reads. I was blown away! I never thought I would get that many in such a short amount of time!

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