Chapter 10: Changes

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A/N: Thank you all for your patience while I get everything sorted out with school.  I hope to get more consistent with writing. There will be 3 new books coming in the summer as well! I hope you enjoy!


Salali'sphone rang. It was Iris! She wiped her tears and answered.

"Hello?" she sniffled.

"Salali! Thank goodness! We were all worried about you. It's been ages since we got back. You were supposed to call right awa-" Iris lectured.

"Iris, please... you don't understand." Salali broke in.

Iris stopped. "What happened?" She asked thinking about everything she knew about Salali's family.

Salali told her everything. How her sisters were gone, her mom well and she had no stepdad. It was difficult for Iris to understand as Salali's crying kept breaking up the story. Once Iris had calmed her friend down it was easier to get the full story. She reminded Salali that they have the ability to time travel. They would go back in time as soon as they heard from Alex.


Alex never called that night, but he was waiting for them at school the next day. He apologized, and explained that his phone had stopped working. Everyone else laughed. Alex's yelling had cut that short though. He didn't think it was funny. Alex demanded to know why. T sighed. "Alex, it's because you brought it back to 1770, didn't you?" Alex nodded. "Give me your phone and I'll fix it so you can continue to time travel with us. Now, shall we head to class?" He asked as the bell rang.


Mr. Arven greeted the class as they filed into their seats. "As you all know we are studying France and their monarchy this term."

Alexand Becca leaned over to Iris. "I thought they were a democracy?" They whispered.

Iris nodded. She hurriedly explained that because the French Revolution never happened, France never became a Democracy.

It was a huge event they had changed and by listening to the History lesson found out that they had never entered either world wars on England's side! This resulted in a disastrous loss for the "new allied forces" America and The British Empire. The group stared wide eyed at the teacher. They made a silent promise to make sure that the French Revolution happened properly this time.


Everyone met at the library that evening. T had downloaded the app onto Alex's phone, Iris had made plans on how they should undo their work. Becca had the wonderful job of trying to keep Salali's mind off what had happened.

"Okay everyone, in this bag I have a bunch of outfits fit for a noble of the 1700's. We changed the revolution by working as a diplomat, so maybe we can change it back by keeping Marie Antoinette distracted with the things she likes; gambling and sweets." Iris handed out their costumes and they slipped them on. Next, they pulled out their phones and pressed "Travel." Nothing happened. The books, tables and chairs in the library were still there. BEEP! Their phones madean ugly noise. They looked at them. A red alert had appeared, warning them that were were going back to a time they had already been. T told them to override it. Again the pressed "Travel" and everything started to fade away.


A/N: Thank you all for reading this far into the book! What do you think will happen next? Comment below and don't forget to vote it you enjoyed!

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