Chapter 3: Assignment Details

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A/N: Hey guys! There is a riddle in this one, and I would appreciate it is you took the time to comment your answer before reading Iris'. It would mean a lot. I hope you enjoy this chapter!


"What a bully!" Salali fumed. "Don't listen to him, Iris. He doesn't know what he is talking about."

Iris frowned. "Yes, You know, this isn't the first time someone has made fun of me for loving history. From now on we should not talk about our plans at school or the library."


The next day arrived, bright and sunny, reflecting the groups mood. They couldn't wait for their history class that afternoon. Mr. Arven had said that they would get all the details on their next project!

Why was Mr. Arven always late when they were looking forward to something? It never failed. Finally, after the exited agony of waiting, he stepped through the door.

"Good Afternoon, class! We're going to get started right a way. Get into groups of five and send one of them up here for the project information."

Without an invitation, Alex got up and sat between Iris and T. They glared at him angrily. If he was in their group they would not be able to time travel! All their plans would be thwarted. They sent Alex up to get the assignment, they held a whispered conference about what they should do and it was agreed that they would meet up at Iris' house later that night.

They stopped their conversation as Alex walked up. "Here, lazy bones. Take it." He sneered. The piece of paper was almost identical to the one they had got for the Titanic project. Becca read it aloud:

"The Reign of Terror:

'I was mocked for most everything,

Accused for what I did not do,

He got to thinking,

Let's be down with the king!'

Who are the three people mentioned in the riddle?

You must correctly name the people and clearly identify their roles and answer one of the questions in an essay: Why is it important for an individual to recognize the value of change? Or Could it have been prevented?"

"That's easy, The speaker is Marie Antoinette, the person wanting to be down with the King is Maximilien Robespierre, and the King is Louie the XVIII. You will have to figure out the roles of the three. Again, I know what they did, however, if I told you again, you would not learn anything." Iris told the group.

Alex looked at her with raised eyebrows, clearly doubting what she was saying. "Okay, so we'll meet at the library tonight then?" He asked.

Becca, Salali, Iris and T looked at each other. They shook their heads. "Sorry Alex, Iris and I have a date tonight and Becca and Salali are going to a movie. Were going to be pretty busy this whole week."

 Alex looked crestfallen at the word "date". "You guys make me sick! All your talk about history, why'd you even invite me to join your little group?" And with that he stormed out of the class.


A/N: Do you think the group is doing the right thing excluding Alex even though he bullies them? What would you do if you were them? Comment below and don't forget to vote and follow if you haven't done so already!

Marie Antoinette: What If It Never Happened! (first draft)Where stories live. Discover now