Chapter 9: Home

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Bookcases faded into view, then a table, and finally all the details. It had worked! They were all home safely! It seemed as if nothing had changed. All four friends still existed and the inside of the library was fine. They all said their good byes and headed home. It was late,and their parents would probably be worried about them.


Salali walked up the path to her home slower that usual. She dreaded what she would find. Her mom had been sick for some time and she had left the house with a mess, that neither her dad nor her sisters would have bothered to tidy up. Worse still, even though she was all for changing the revolution, her stepdad was French and her mother was Cherokee. How her family was going to be affected by this she could only imagine.


T breathed a sigh of relief. He was so thankful that nothing had happened to his parents or brothers. They sometimes got on his nerves but he didn't know what he would do with out them. He picked up the phone and checked in with Iris.


Becca ran home, worried about her parents. She knew one of them was of French descent and she was worried that she would be the one to be affected by the recent change in history. When she got in the door, both her parents were sitting on the couch, holding something. As she stepped nearer, it started to cry. She stopped. It was a baby! All that came out of this was that she has a sibling! She called Iris to tell her the good news.


Iris skipped up the stairs into her home. She couldn't wait to find out what had happened this time. They had group phoning on their new phones so they could all talk together. T called everyone first."Nothing to report." he told them. Next, it was Becca's turn.Same thing. Those two seemed to be lucky, they had changed history twice and had never been affected by it.


Salali opened the door. There was no mess, and her mom was home! Salali ran to her and gave her a huge hug. "Where are the twins, Adsila and Galilahi?"

 Salali's mother looked at her blankly. Instantly, Salali knew how she had been affected. While Becca gained a sister, she had lost two. She ran upstairs and burst into tears. They were only three years old. She would miss them so much.


A/N: Fun Fact: Salali means squirrel, Adsila means blossom and Galilahi means beautiful on the Cherokee language!

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