- Mixed Feelings -

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~ at the bar ~
Chuuya's POV

She's so cute yet she's so annoying, it d-doesn't make scenes (talking to bartender). How did th-this even end up I-I mean we just met and I don't believe In any of that true love shit. It has to just be me ma-m-maybe I don't like her, maybe Im j-just been driiiiinking t-to hehe much. It's so confusing though it's like I cat get her out of my head, and I do such weird things around her. I feel like t-the awwww OH ya the atmosphere is different when I'm with her. Ya heh ya...

Bartender-"mr. I'll call home for you."

"NO ITS FINE hehe!" I started to black out I couldn't really see anymore.


Y/N was walking back from shopping when she got a phone call. It was a unknown number but still decides to answer it. She got a call from the bar, .... "Chuuya is drunk.... Again?" Y/N wasn't surprised about it. The bartender asked for you name and you gave him it. "OH, so your the one he was talking about." Y/N was blushing after what the bartender said, he soon told her everything he said when she hung up the phone she couldn't stop blushing.

They were home. Chuuya was finally awake and back to normal he walks in the living room to see what was wrong with Y/N. She was just sitting there nee's crossed and arms in front of her."hey get up." Chuuya said Rudely sarcastically. Y/N got up and didn't even look him in the eye all the sudden " WACK " you smack Chuuya's face. He put his hand on his cheek ware you smacked. Tears poured down your face and you don't know why. You shouted "If the only thing your ever gonna do is get drunk and talk shit about me than just get the hell out! Leave!"

Chuuya's eyes widened. His heart was throbbing. He didn't want to leave, his heart was pounding so hard he felt like he was going to have a heart attack. If, then what will he do?...

Chuuya's POV

I slowly walked up the stairs ware I saw Y/N run.i opened the room to her bedroom and saw he sitting on her bed, tears going down her face. My heart was beating so fast I can't even explain. I did the only thing I could think to do. I grabbed Y/N's arm and polled her in for a hug. I couldn't stop blushing, I look down to see Y/N's beautiful eyes wide. I went closer to her ear and said "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make a beautiful girl like you cry." I saw her cheeks go somewhat pink to Rosey-pink. She was so cute, my heart skipped a beat.


I woke to me having my arms rapped around Chuuya. I started to blush, and I mean a lot. Looking down at Chuuya he was slightly drooling, but in a cute was. I just had to let out a little chuckle. With Chuuya still asleep he mocked one of my arms over.i opened my eyes and saw our lips inter locked with each other's. I got up as quick as I can without waking him up.

I was blushing like crazy and my heart would not stop beating. It just got faster and faster.i looked down and looked at his lips which were amazingly soft. I started blushing even more thinking about what just happened. I had to ignore it, I got up did my daily then started making breakfast. Honestly I hope this day turns out way better than yesterday...

To be continued

      To be continued

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