Chapter Seven

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Collab by all three authors

Reader-chan's POV:

You squealed as you hung up the phone. Oli asked you out! Oli asked you out! OLI ASKED YOU OUT!!! You slap yourself a bit to calm down. Stop it, (Y/N), you thought. Keep it cool. Don't get too carried away.

Your coworker, Lizzy walked over to you and said, "You look like you saw a penguin fly. What happened?"

You squealed and hugged her tightly. So much for 'keeping it cool.' "I got asked out!" You said as you let go of her. She gasped and said, "Oh, em GEE!!!" (A/N Musume Ronshaku alert)

"Who asked you out? Tell meh!" She demands, hopping a bit.

"TheOrionSound. Ever heard of him?" You tell her.

At that moment, Lizzy stopped jumping. The excitement in her face turned to a confused look. She looked up in the ceiling, as if she was thinking. "Orion...Oli? Yes, I've heard of him..." She says, looking back at you.

"What's wrong, Lizzy? Are you okay?" You ask, noticing her suddenly gloomy expression.

"Yes," she said. "I'm fine."

"Then why do you look like you-"

You were cut off by her rushing to the counter. You frowned and kept an eye on her. From your place, you could see the red on her face as she gives the costumer her order. As the clock ticked, your shift was over.

You glance at Lizzy one more time before you left. She refused to look at you. Just as you were about to walk out, you spot a light pink color on one of the chairs. You came back inside, looking around. That's when you saw her. You almost screamed and fainted. It was LDShadowLady. Then you saw that she was with a guy. It was Smallishbeans.

You walk over slowly to them. "Um...LDShadowLady?"

"Hi," she chirped in her British accent you loved.

"Oh, my God! I'm (Y/N). Remember? The girl who wrote the fanmail?"

"No way," Joel says. "You're (Y/N)! Awesome! Lizzie has been waiting to meet you! God, you are awesome, advanced happy birthday!"

You smiled sheepishly at them. "Thanks..."

"So," Lizzie says. "What's the plan? You know, birthday?"

"Well," you thought for a bit. "I was thinking of a pool party, since I have a pool in my backyard. But it needs excessive cleaning."

"A pool party?" Joel asks, seemingly excited. "Awesome!"

Lizzie sips her latte, "Joel thinks he's the best swimmer ever. When we all know that I'm the best swimmer ever."

You giggle as Joel says, "Ha ha, as if. I challenge you to a swimming contest. We shall see who the best swimmer is. And I know that it's gonna be me."

Lizzie scoffs and says, "Ha, you're on."

"I can't wait to see that challenge come to life," you say. "But you'd have to wait for a bit. My party is still in October 29."

"Yeah, sure," Joel says. "Well, bye, (Y/N). See you around."

You wave at them goodbye. "Bye, you guys!"

You walk out of the store, smiling like an idiot. You can't believe that you saw the actual LDShadowLady and Smallishbeans! 'I saw Lizzie and Joel! I SAW LIZZIE AND JOEL!!! AHSSHWNAJSNSBSHEU!!!!'

Your thoughts were broken by your phone vibrating.  You saw a nice, empty bench and sat down. You pulled out your phone. It had a notification about YouTube. Oli had posted a new video. It's title was "I Won't Give Up Cover'. You click it and gasped.

He dedicated the song to you.

You squealed as he sang. You couldn't believe it. Oli made you a video and said you were special. A special "friend", you reminded yourself. Oli just sees you as a friend, nothing else. You frown a bit, knowing that he may have a girlfriend already.

Or does he?

A/N: I hope you like Lizzie and Joel's introduction to (Y/N). BTW, should (Y/N) have an ex-boyfriend or nah? I really think (Y/N) should have an ex so that there will be drama in the story and not all fluff. Don't you think?

Just comment down, and don't forget to vote! Mwah!


It All Started With A Fan Mail (OrionSound x Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now