Chapter Eighteen

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Collab by Alice and Haruka (You know my username already, and I'm kinda lazy to type the underscore so yeah. ಠ_ಠ)

Oli-senpai's POV:

"This is...awkward..." Tiff said once we've already sat on the couch. Callum was holding his breath, as of waiting for someone to break the ice. Joey was looking back at forth between me and Carmen. Lizzie was also waiting for someone to say something.

"So..." Carmen spoke up. "What's up...?"

"What's up? What's up is that the girl I really liked kissed my friend in front of me!" I said, suddenly angry and frustrated.

"Woah, dude, calm down," Callum said.

Lizzie seemed to understand what happened, "(Y/N)...kissed Scott? Wow, I actually thought she liked you. I didn't think she'd be into Scott."

"Well, surprise-surprise. She kissed that Totoro wannabe! Oh, what a disappointment am I!" I yelled.

"(Y/N)...the girl who invited you all to her party?" Carmen asked.

"You know her?" Joey and Tiff said at the same time.

"Er...yeah, it's trending on Twitter"

"And?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Well, I'm not saying this to spite you or make you mad, but remember the guy I dated after you?"

You mean the guy you left me for, I thought but I didn't say it so I just nodded.

"Well...he's's ex-boyfriend..."

"THE HECK?!" I yelled I'm disbelief. Does she mean that the guy I met at the mall the other day, who was (Y/N)'s ex, happened to be her boyfriend as well? I'm getting so confused...

"Is his name Tyler?" I asked, calming down.

"You know him?" Tiff and Joey asked again, making me wonder why they're not twins.

"This just got more awkward..." Callum chuckled.

"Yeah, I met him the other day." I explained. "We were both at the mall that time. You know, at the anime store near the supermarket?"

"Oh, yeah. You did say you bought something for (Y/N) that day..." Lizzie said.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on..." Joey suddenly said. "Look, Oli needs help with (Y/N) but we'll get to that later... The real question here is: Why is Carmen here?"

"That's because Lizzie and I were planning to go for a road trip next month. Just because me and Oli broke up doesn't mean I stopped being friends with Liz and the others." Carmen explained.

"You stopped being friends with me," Tiff pointed out.

"That's because we were hardly even friends!" Carmen defended. (XD I imagined Carmen having Taiga's voice from Toradora and I laughed.)

" mystery solved..." Joey calmly said. "So about Scott kissing (Y/N)..."

"She kissed him!" I yelled.

"I don't think so, Oli," Joel said, emerging from the kitchen. "I've met (Y/N) a few days ago and followed her on Twitter. Her last tweet was about how she met this adorable, chubby guy who was really nice and stuff."

"She was probably talking about Scott..." I muttered.

" Scott was 'always wears a panda hat and is so good at music'?" He made air quotes as he said this.


"Wait, dude, how long have you been here?" Tiff asked.

"About an hour. Heard everything. Don't worry, Oli, everything will be alright soon."

I sulked. "Easy for you to say. You're already engaged with the love of your life." I turned to Lizzie, eyeing the ring on her finger. "Congratulations, by the way."

"It sounded spiteful, but thanks anyway," Lizzie giggled.

They're so lucky, all of them. They are with their soulmates and are very happy. While I'm here, alone. Joel's probably the luckiest of all. He gets to marry the girl of his dreams, but I'm not even the first kiss of the girl of my dreams. He gets to have a family with her, while I'm nothing to her.

Maybe I'm just not lucky enough to have a girlfriend. Maybe I'm cursed.

(Y/N). Why did you do this to me?

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