act two: Prologue

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And all your worries will escape from the door
And you'll wake up all alone on the floor

She woke up by his gentle breath on the back of her neck. His hand was placed around her, his nose was hidden in her hair. The night before was playing on repeat in her head. The way their bodies touched, the way he looked at her, the way she could never get used to his kisses. And there he was kissing her neck again, waking her body completely while the alarm clock went off.

She moved her head to his direction and his many kisses met her cheeks and then her lips and suddenly the alarm clock was nothing but an echo. It was just him and her.

"morning..„ Steve whispered, letting out a small smile.
"Good morning„ she replied and placed her palm on his cheek, ran her fingers over the dark stubble of his cheeks. He angled his head so he could kiss her palm and then moved downwards kissing each part of her arm as he did that until he reached her lips again and he moved his body so that he could be on top of her, balancing on his hands as he looked down at her.

“how does it feel finally having the upper hand on this relationship?” she asked, smiling and he couldn’t help but laugh at her sarcastic comment.
“so this is a relationship now?”
“that’s not what I said-"
“that’s exactly what you said.”
“well it’s not what I meant-"
“it’s what I meant.” He smiled. Amelia could sense how proud he was of the smooth way he delivered  his line. She saw it in his eyes that shined like high school boy's. He leaned in, stealing her argument right off her lips. He even bit her bottom lip, causing a light chuckle to escape and then-

“AAAACHOU" Amelia turned her face away before she sneezed all over Steve’s face. Then she sneezed again and again, pushing him to get off her so she could grab the tissues from the night stand and blow her nose. “I hate this" she mumbled. Steve massages her shoulders gently, trying to make her feel better.

“that’s what happens you can jump in a pool while it’s raining-"
“I was chasing a suspect- you would have done the same!” she said louder. Wiping her nose and sniffing like a kid.

“and Danny would tell me what I tell you right now- that you are irresponsible”
“then go date him- you’d make a perfect couple.” She said, leaning back her head on his chest while laughing. He put his arms around her, pulling the seat around her too so she wouldn’t get colder. And she leaned deeper into him making him lay back on the mattress. She kissed her shoulder and Amelia hoped this moment would last a little longer but then the phones started ringing. Steve’s went off first and groaned, annoyed at the sound. He held on his hand so he couldn’t move it.

"Amelia I have to pick it up!„ he laughed, while She turned around so she’d be laying on his hand, giving him no way to escape. The last few weeks had been hard, with the help of Jenna they were all looking into Wo Fat, trying to find a lead, anything. They had stopped looking into the governor, It was a dead end. Even if she was dirty, she didn’t have anything to do with her parents death.

The phone stopped before McGarrett could take it in his hand. Amelia breathed in relief and happiness, as silence fell. She moved upwards, until her eyes met his and then she kissed his lips passionately, lovingly. Electricity flowing in their bodies--

"Are you serious?„ she raised her head immediately and looked at her ringing phone irritated. It was her turn now. she let her head fall on his chest, She out starched her hand to reach for the phone that was on her night stand and once she got it, she pressed the green bottom and put it on her ear, not moving an inch away from where she was before.

"Morning governor„ she spoke, unable to hide her annoyance and Steve tried to hold back his laughter, thankfully successfully.
"Good morning Amelia!„ said the woman from the other end of the phone
"What can I do for you in this beautiful day?„ she asked, her annoyance showing even more. In the meantime she could feel McGarrett's finger slowly and softly caressing her back, up and down as he was trying to calm her down.

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