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Dmitri Volkov watched the young woman that was Elena Lenkov sleeping in his bed, her small body curled up beneath his dark blue silk sheets, her soft ice blonde hair spread out across his pillows. Her long thick lashes were resting on her cheeks and her chest rose and fell in steady breaths, and it was the first time in the week since she discovered her parents murdered he believed her to be at a restfull sleep. Taking her to his bed had been a last resort and a necessary one as he would wake up every night to her terrified screams from down the hall, her entire body quaking with sobs and shaking as he made it to her side. She would only calm down once she was safely enveloped in his arms, and even then it took several minutes for the tears to subside and the sobs to die away. Having her in his bed, where he could keep a careful watch over her and provide her with the safety she needed, both concious and unconcious was the only viable option. 

Her pain was of such magnitude he felt it on his own skin, and every day he was more set on requiring the necessary retribution as he watched her whither away in front of him. Her sleep was restless and disturbed, she had stopped eating and there was nothing but pain in her unique husky blue eyes. Dmitri had seen a lot of horror in his life, growing up on the cold streets of an unforgiving Moscow he had seen and done unspeakable things just to survive, but what he had seen in the crime-scene photoes of Mikhail and Tasha's bodies and what Elena had seen in person, was beyond even that. 

There was a soft knock on his door and he knew the time had come. Pushing up from the recliner positioned by the window at the far right corner of his room, he shrugged on his coat and carefully made his way by the bed as to not disturb the woman in his bed. He didn't want to leave her, knowing her nightmares and memories might resurface at any moment, but this was a necessary evil he had to be done with. 

Stepping into the hall, he closed the door gently behind him before turning to face Vigo who was leaning against the wall, a contemplative look on his face. 

"I want Irina close by until we return and two men positioned at the end of the hall at all times," Vigo inclined his head at the order, his second aware of the precarious situation and the nightmares that plagued Elena to such an extreme. Irina was Vigo's, she had lived through her own personal hell and she would know what to do should the nightmares return while he was away. 

"Gabriel confirmed Valente will be there tonight, Franco Villanueva will sit by his father's side tonight." This could be a complication Dmitri would rather see avoided. Franco Villanueva was the oldest son and heir to Carlos Villanueva, and he was smart and ambitious, in any other situation Dmitri would not mind his addition to the night's proceedings. However, Franco was also deeply loyal to his family and even if his father had already given indication he was willing to sacrifice his youngest son, Franco may not agree to that decision which meant affairs could get messy. Dmitri understood loyalty to family, respected what it said about ones character, but Romero Villanueva was a piece of shit that deserved to die a slow and painfull death and spend his eternity burning in hell. 

"I want you by my side, I assume Gabriel will be sitting in with Luca?" Vigo gave a decisive nod as they moved down the hall and descended the stairs to the foyer where Irina was standing with Talya, both females eyes turning towards them as they approached. 

"Da, as the meeting will happen at Vincente's, Valente's cousin and advisor Vincent will also be there." Dmitri had expected as much, he knew Luca and he knew he would take every precaution necessary to make sure things ran as smoothly as possible. Both Gabriel and Luca had a tendency to be hot-tempered, Vincent Valent was more diplomatic and Dmitri suspected he would be carefully placed as the voice of reason at the table that night. 

"How is she?" His sister Talya looked up towards the stairs, her mind clearly on Elena and Dmitri knew she worried. Talya and Elena were close in age, they had both grown up in the life, even if Natalya had been more involved in a way Mikhail made sure none of his women ever were. 

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