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Robyn Rihanna Fenty.

I woke up, squinting my eyes at the harsh bright sunlight. I turned over to see Matt laying there as my eyes traveled down before I saw his private area. My eyes widened and covered my face. I felt a slight pain in between my legs as I stood up. I walked around until I found a shower. I took a shower and put on the clothes I had on from the day before and left.

I pulled up to my house to see a couple cars in the driveway. I was confused why everyone was here. I got out my car and walked inside.

"It's about time you got here."

"My phone was dead. What happened ?"

My mother hesitated before looking at Chubbs, Melissa , and Mama Sandi.

"Guys what happened ?"

"Baby sit down." Mama said. I snatched my arm out of her hand.

"No tell me what's wrong ?"

"Aj had to go to the hospital to day for an allergic reaction. "

"Wait ? What ?"

"We gave him some Chamomile Tea to help with his upset stomach. He had a runny nose and then he broke out in hives."

I dropped my purse and ran upstairs to his room. I opened the door before seeing him laying down in the bed. I sat beside him on his bed and rubbed his cheek with my thumb.

"Mommy ?"

"Yes baby."

"I'm just glad you are home." He said before turning over. Tears filled my eyes before I kissed his cheek and got up, shutting the door behind me. I went to my room, slamming the door in frustration.  My back slid against, slowly before I touched the floor. Questions flew throughout my head.

How could I not be there for my own son ?

Why wasn't I ?

I let hot rushing tears cascade down my soft cheeks.  I feel like I failed as a parent.  He could've died. I didn't do the best job that was given to me. I didn't do the right thing.  I could be over dramatic but I knew what I had to do.

I grabbed my phone and dialed his number.

"Hello ?"

"Hey Matt, we need to talk."

Aubrey  "Drake" Graham.

I stared at the scene in front of me and didn't even get mad. I knew that they were fucking long time ago. I saw him look over and push her off of him. They both tried to cover themselves up but I seen enough.

"B-baby why are you here ?"

I looked at her and squinted my eyes and gave her a dumb look. 

"I came to get my shit out of the damn house I pay for." I said. I walked into the closet and saw all my shit in two boxes. If anything, she made it easier to leave. I picked up both boxes and started to walk out. Once I walked downstairs, I heard footsteps behind me and I knew it was her.

"Aubrey. I'm sor-"

"Nope. No reason for that. You already cheated on me once and I let that slide. I don't get it. I'm turning the lease over to you tomorrow for this house. I hope you are happy with the decision that you made and I wish you well."

I shut the door behind me and put my shit in my car, before driving off. I didn't know what to think at all. I decided to drive to my moms house. I walked in and heard light talking and  took in the strong smell of vanilla.  I walked into the kitchen silently before seeing my dad holding her.  I stood behind the door , peeking over. I saw him move her hair out of her face before pecking her lips with a smile. I shook my head at the scene. 

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