Final Chapter

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Y'all really thought it was over huh ? You thought. 

Aubrey Drake Graham Jr.

"Sir , may I see your I.D ?" The lady at the desk asked. I took out my wallet and pulled out my I.D and gave it to her. She nodded and typed some information into her computer.

"I guess you are hear to see Robyn Rihanna Fenty ?"

I nodded, taking my card back. I put my wallet back in my pocket and took the visitor's pass . I took off the plastic behind it and put it in the trash. I placed the piece of paper on my heart and stood there as a tall white man walked up to me. I readjusted Kairi on my shoulder , who was slobbering all on my shoulder.

"Aj, are we gonna see momma again ?"

I looked by my left to see Fortune standing next to me.

I looked by my left to see Fortune standing next to me

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"I'll show you were she is." He said. He started walking and I followed behind him. He walked into a room where some women were talking to their families. Kairi jumped up awake when a woman was escorted out , screaming to the top of her lungs. She whimpered in my arms. I brought to a table and sat down as Fortune held onto me tightly.

"It's okay. You are okay." 

She stopped whining and started rubbing her face roughly. I grabbed her hands to stop her because the last time she ended up getting a tiny Lego up her nose. She stopped and laid against my chest. Fortune sat next to me and started texting on her phone.

A chair scraped against the floor and I look up to my momma sitting there. Her hair was grown out and in a high bun. A big grey sweatshirt and sweatpants covered her body. She slightly smiled at me.

"Hey ma." I said.

"Hi." She said, quietly. It was a little bit of tension between my mom and Fortune only because of what happened last time. My mom relapsed and blamed Fortune for the death of our father. She said that if Fortune wasn't created then she would be out of this mental asylum and living her life with our father.

Kairi yelled and crawled across the table and sat in momma's lap. Momma wrapped her arms Kairi and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"H-hey Momma." Fortune stuttered.

"I will never be your mother." She said, as she rubbed Kairi's head.

"Sorry Rihanna."

"I don't even want you here. Aj why is she here ? I only requested you." She complained as Kairi came back to me. 

"Fortune take Kairi and go back to the car." 

Fortune grabbed Kairi and got up from the chair and mumbled a 'sorry' before leaving. Once Fortune was out of view, I turned back to my mother.

"So how's Lulu ?"

"She's fine. Why do you treat Fortune like that ?" I said, crossing my arms.

"Don't fucking cross your arms at me."

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