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Rihanna sat in a dark room, drinking dark liquor.  Her nose was stuffy and her eyes were burning of tears. She took the Hennessy bottle once again to her lips before taking another sip. A drop of liquor fell down her chin and onto the white material of her wedding dress.  Her done makeup was ruined by her sad tears.  Her incredibly long veil was hanging loosely from her royal bun. The same event that happened two days ago kept playing in her mind.


"Robyn, you look so pretty !" Beyonce said, in her turquoise bridesmaid dress as Blue tried to talk to her stomach , which held the twins .  Rihanna smiled as she took a picture of her. 

"Ok . You are laid as usual." Her makeup artist , Leanna Goodridge, said, as she put the makeup tools away.

Rihanna stood up and looked in the mirror. She was shocked about how well she looked. With natural makeup and her hair done that was complimented by her wedding dress, tears were brought to her eyes. Her mother came up behind her while taking off her necklace.  Monica wrapped the necklace around her throat.

"This was Gran-Grans. She wanted you to have this when the day came for you to get married. And I guess this is the day." Monica said, while trying to hold her tears back.  Rihanna leaned down and gave her mom a hug

"OH God where does the time go ? It's 12 already." Sandi said, walking in. The women began rushing out before Noella noticed something.

"Aww shit I left Majesty ." She said, before running back in. She picked up a sleeping Majesty and ran back with the best of abilities of running in heels.  Noella got in the big limo and it pulled off. The ladies were talking excitedly and took small sips of champagne.  Majesty sat between her aunt and her mother, watching the ladies have conversations about things she didn't understand yet. She was still listening as she played with the little petals in the basket she had.

Once they pulled up to the extravagant church where they needed to be, they rushed out. 

"I'm pregnant with twins, I'll met yall in there." Beyonce said, slowing down while holding Blue's hand. The women ran in and met with some of the groomsmen.

"How did yall still manage to be late ?" Jay Z said, while opening the door for Beyonce

"All Debbie's fault. She was having the shits." Melissa said.

"Why y'all always coming for my wife ?"  Debbie's husband said, before kissing Debbie on the cheek.

Rihanna's birth father and Drake's father stepped out and stood beside her.

"Thank you both for this." She smiled at the both of them. They both kissed her forehead.

"Ok it's time for the bridesmaids to start walking down the aisle." The wedding planner , Mindy Weiss said, walking to them. Mindy was used to people even being an hour late to their wedding so this is nothing new.  She has worked for many celebrities like Serena Williams , Fergie and Nicole Riche. 

All the bridesmaids stood with their groomsmen where they should.

Melissa was the maid of honor with Noah who was the best man.

Beyonce and Jay Z.

Debbie and her husband.

Noella and Chubbs.

Sonita and Khatib.

Rihanna's assistant , Jen and her husband Aaron.

Blue and Majesty were the the flower girls and Aj was the ring bearer.

Behind The Music (Drake & Rihanna) ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora