Chapter Five

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"So wait let me get this straight you told your fiance that you were pregnant and he went to his friend's house but came back promising everything will be okay but when you were out on a double date he pretty much ignored you for this Alex chick shows up then you guys end up fighting and not talking while he's away on tour?" Riley whispers kind of in shock. I take a little bit of my muffin and nod, "Well when are you seeing him again?" Riley asks. "We have a concert together on Friday so I'll see him and Alex." 

Riely nodded with lips pursed, "Man if I didn't have a date with my girlfriend I'd totally come with you," Riley said rubbing his palms on his pants, "I mean if you wanted me to." He quickly added. Part of me felt sad that he couldn't making it, "No it's fine. Even if we just met I'd want you there." I smiled at up finishing my tea and picking at my muffin. "Well here I have to get back to work so call me or text me if you need someone to talk to." He said scribbling down his number and me doing the same for him, "I'm sure everything will work out Isabel. Plus it's good to have a new friend around here." Riley smiled down at me and waved a bit before turning around and getting back to work. 

I smiled after him and looked down at the piece of paper in front of me, "Thanks Riley for listening." I grabbed my muffin and trash and shoved the piece of paper into my jean pocket and threw everything away before leaving the coffee shop waving at Riley as I left. I walked back to the flat with paps following my every mood. If I wasn't pergnant I would be completely ignoring them but my hormones are on top notch and everything their saying is getting to me, "Hey Isabel how do you feel about Niall hanging out with that new girl when he barely has time for you." 

I froze for a second before shaking it out of my head and began to walk up the driveway seeing Niall's car now sitting in the driveway. I tugged my hoodie down as I got inside and slipped off my shoes before going to the kitchen to see Niall and the rest of the boys sitting and chatting in up. 




"Is!" Louis, Liam, Harry, and Zayn all shouted as they spotted me walk in. I smiled at them and waved walking over to the fridge and getting the package of grapes out and a bottle of water. I stood at the counter farther away from them and picked at my grapes, "So tell us how are you?" Liam said. I looked up and opened my mouth, "Or tell us how much you missed us!" Louis said interrupting me. I shook my head and threw a grape at him, "To answer your question Liam I'm okay I guess still sick in the morning nothing new." I smiled and looked to Louis, "And obviously I missed you guys. It's boring being home alone." I smiled slightly looking at Niall who hadn't said anything to me.

I always thought that when Niall would come home from being out on the road for so long I'd run into his arms and we'd hug for minutes that felt like hours and just enjoy each others embrace but I'm pregnant and he caught up with Alex so yea I'm left to the side. I looked down popping another grape into my mouth, "How was the American part of the tour?" I asked but as Louis went to go talk I interrupted, "Or you can tell me how much you missed me." I smirked using his words against him.

The boys laughed as Louis sent a glare my way causing me to shrug, "They tour was actually great our fans never seem to disappoint us." Zayn smiled. "And of course we missed you Bels! It was always more fun on tour with you anyway," Harry said. 

I smiled at Harry then frowned, "Oh and thanks a lot for informing me that you were going to propose to my best friend Harold! I had to find out by the other girls at our movie night who were gushing on how their boyfriends told them the news but of course me being me didn't get told." I said throwing a grape at him but gogt angrier. The boys looked over to Niall who looked down at his phone, "I'm sorry Bel. I was sure someone would have told you. Besides I don't think Mahogony is ready for that." Harry gave me a little smile after glaring at Niall. 

Love Will Remember ~Book Three~ EDITING!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang