Chapter Fifteen

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*Isabel’s POV*

I paced back and forth as Niall continued to try to get hold of Harry rocking Ryan in my arms. I would look over at Niall as he shook his head once again. I kissed Ryan’s forehead and continue to rock him until Niall’s voice broke the silence, “Harry are with Mahogony still like engaged and everything?” I turned around looking at Niall singing softly to Ryan as Niall’s faced me and covered the phone, “he said their still together and that their both at Julie’s for dinner.” I sighed, “Here take Ryan.”

Niall and I switched spots him taking Ryan in his arms and handing me the phone before he walked to the other side of Ryan’s nursery sitting in the chair. I ran my hand through my hair before speaking into the phone, “Harry,” I took a deep breath, “Niall is going to send you a screen shot of what we just found out on twitter and no one is taking it easy.” I sighed closing my eyes for a second before he responded and hung up before I could answer him. I shook my head and quickly composed a text to Harry sending the picture of the article we saw on twitter. Once it was sent I locked Niall’s phone and turned to see him whispering to Ryan softly.

I smiled at them and instantly becoming relaxed as I walked over to them and sat on the arm of the chair and ran my hands through Niall’s hair as he continued to whisper softly to Ryan, who’s eyes were starting to droop slowly and soon closed all the way giving us the hint he was asleep. Niall looked up at me and smiled before he got up and walked out of the room still carrying Ryan while I followed behind him. He placed Ryan in the crib we had in our room since we didn’t want to put him in the nursery just yet.

I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind as he pulled the blanket up a little and bent down to softly kiss Ryan before pulling away from me so I could kiss Ryan’s forehead softly and walked over to turn on the baby monitor walking out of the room carrying the other baby monitor going down stairs into the kitchen with Niall.

I jump onto the counter while Niall goes to the fridge pulling out two water bottles handing me one before handing me the fruit that I’ve been accustomed to while he ate a bag of chips. “This is so unreal,” Niall said suddenly breaking the silence.  I nodded plopping a grape into my mouth, “It is. But for once everything is calm.” I smiled at him as he stood in between my legs placing his hands on my waist. “And it’s going to stay that way,” He said before kissing me softly.

I smiled into the kiss mentally relaxing before he pulled away, “Well I hope it stays that way.” I smiled and opened my mouth to speak before a cry came from the baby monitor causing Niall and I to look over at it. I ran my hand through my hair before I jumped off the counter, “I got it. You go rest.” I called over my shoulder running upstairs placing my phone in my back pocket opening up the room to the nursery to see Ryan screaming in his crib. I ran over to his bed and picked him up quickly rocking him from side to side, “Aww baby shhh,” I whispered rubbing his back then turned around stopping in my tracks looking over at the window in Ryan’s room now wide open.

I looked around quickly rushing to the door grabbing a blanket on the way out and rushing downstairs. “Hey is he okay?” Niall asked once I walked into the kitchen rubbing Ryan’s back as his cries died down. “Yea I think he’s fine. But um did you open Ryan’s bed room window?” I looked up from Ryan but continued to rub his back. Niall looked at me and shook his head, “No I didn’t why?” I handed Ryan over to Niall so I could make a bottle. “Because when I went up to check on him the window was wide open,” I said looking over at him and Ryan to see Niall’s confused face, “What do you mean wide open?”

I closed Ryan’s bottle and shook it before walking back over to Niall with the bottle in hand taking Ryan from him and sitting at a chair, “I mean what it means. His window was wide open when I went up there.” I sighed feeding Ryan his bottle. “That can’t be possible, I made sure his windows were secure and locked,” Niall asked walking out of the room. I looked after him as he walked upstairs.  I looked down at Ryan as he finished his bottle, “I think daddy is going crazy,” I whisper kissing the top of his head and began patting his bed, “Babe, can you call one of the guys to see if we can stay the night?” Niall called from upstairs.

I got up pulling my phone out of my pocket laying Ryan in his crib that we had downstairs, “Uh yeah, sure why?” I yelled back up unlocking my phone and scrolling through my contacts. “Just do it Isabel!” I nodded even though he couldn’t see me and clicked on the name I was looking for placing the phone to my ear.

*Louis’ POV*

I smiled and layed down next to Eleanor wrapping an arm around her waist and resting my chin on her arm, “Just wanted to let you know everything is perfectly fine between Mahogony and Harry. It was just another rumor.” I whispered placing a kiss on her covered arm. I saw her lips curl up and turned her head a little bit to face me, “That’s good. I just hope all this stops soon. I want Isabel and Niall to have a great wedding, and Harry and Mahogony then I want all of us to live happily ever after.” I smiled at her and leaned over her now and kissed her softly, “I’m sure everything will die down soon and we’ll all live happily ever after.” She smiled back at me and turned over to face me, “Good because I liked when we were all happy and carefree.”

I smiled and poked her nose and went to speak but got cut off by my phone blaring. Eleanor looked at me confusingly seeing as it was late and someone was calling, “Hello?” I answered not bothering to check who was calling. “Louis? I need help.” I sat up quickly Eleanor following my actions, “Isabel? What’s wrong?” I panicked I heard shuffling on the other side of the phone, “Um can we stay at your place for the night. Ryan woke up screaming and when I went upstairs to check up on him his window was wide open and Niall told me to call one of you because he made sure it was locked when we put him to bed and I’m freaking out Lou I don-“ I pulled the phone away from my ear and covered up the phone turning to Eleanor, “Do you mind if Niall, Isabel, and Ryan stay here tonight? Ryan woke up screaming and when Isabel went to check on him his window was wide open and Niall made sure it was locked when they put him to bed.” Eleanor nodded, “Of course they can stay here. They could not be safe tell them to come over right away.” She said getting up walking out of the room.

I placed my phone back to my ear to hear Isabel still talking, “Isabel! Calm down. Of course you guys can stay here for the night. Come over right away.” I said cutting her off, “Okay thanks Lou we’re leaving now we should be there in about twenty minutes.” I nodded, “Okay see you then and tell Niall to drive safe. Bye.” She said a quick goodbye before hanging up. I sat my phone down on the bed before going out to find out where Eleanor is. I walked into one of the guest rooms to see her placing blankets and pillows on the bed. “I hope everything is okay,” She said turning to face me before the doorbell rang.

Eleanor walked passed me and down the stairs quickly looking through the peephole in the door before opening it revealing a very stress looking Isabel holding a duffle bag on her shoulders and carrying Ryan’s carrier. I rushed over and grabbed the car seat out of her hand as Niall came in carrying what I assumed was Ryan’s portable crib, “We set up the guest room for you so you can take that stuff up there and set up and I’ll bring Ryan up when I get his jacket off,” I said already unbuckling Ryan’s seatbelt. I heard footsteps go up the stairs as I took Ryan’s coat off and then gently picked up Ryan and carried him upstairs.

“Lou can I talk to you?,” Niall said once I walked in the room. I nodded once I placed Ryan in his bed and followed Niall out of the room after he kissed Isabel. I closed the door behind me and walked down to the in home studio closing that door once I entered the room. “Mate what’s up?” I asked as Niall paced back and forth. He stopped and faced me, “I think someone is after Bel,” He said all of a sudden. “Now mate who could possibly be after Isabel?” I asked running my hand over my face unprepared for his answer,

“Her ex, Michael.” 

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