Chapter Eleven

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"No Dani we can't do that remember guys will be taking part of this baby shower now!" Liam argued with Dani in the back of the car. "Oh come on Liam you guys don't have to take part in all of the baby shower activities but we can still have them." I rubbed my hands on my sweat pants and threw my head back as Niall rubbed my hands inbetween his. "No no no! We can't do th- hey!" I cut Liam off by throwing a magazine of idea's inbetween them, "Can you guys just shut up and look through the magazine and agree on everything. You two do need to get along since we wont have no control over this shower." I breathed out just as Dr. Rivera walked in, "Finally," Niall mumbled. "Hello Isabel. Niall, Are you guys ready for today? You get to find out the sex of your baby." I smiled and nodded at her. 

"Yea but we kinda have request." I smiled at Dani and Liam who were busy pointing to things in the magazine. "Yea? What is it?" She asked. "We want it to be a surprise to us so can you not tell us but tell them since they would be the god parents/baby shower party hostesses?" Dr. Rivera nodded, "We can do that yes. So I won't tell you but you do know your going to want to know right?" I nodded, "Yea I mean I want to know now but I want it to be a surprise and I'm thinking these two will have a party planned in a month or two." 

"Okay well lets get started shall we?" I nodded and pulled my shirt over my stomache and layed back. Niall watched and Danielle and Liam got quiet and looked at the screen as Dr. Rivera put the cold jelly on my stomach causing me to wince a little. She moved the wand over my stomache and I heard the familar sound of my baby's heart beat. "Okay it looks like your baby is healthy like always. You're doing a great job taking care of you and the baby." 

She kept moving the wand over my stomache and kept looking at the screen. Niall pressed his lips to my hand as the wand was removed from my stomache and handed me a napikin to wipe off my stomache, "You two can stay here while I talk to the two of them and I'll get you pictures also." Dr. Rivera said motioning Liam and Danielle to follow her out. 

"You excited?" Niall asked as I wiped off my stomache and pulled down my shirt. "Yea I'm excited I can't wait I really want to know what the baby is." "Me too I can't wait till our little one is here. We should think of baby names later." Niall said kissing my temple. I smiled and nodded as we sat in a comfortable silence, "I'm tired I want to take a nap." I yawned as the door opened revealing a happy looking Danielle and Liam. 

"Okay you two we have the pictures. We're going to go party plan we'll call you later with possible dates for the party. Here are you're pictures or do you want them at the baby shower?" I shook my head, "Keep them till the baby shower I'll be too tempted to look at the pictures." Liam laughed, "Okat well we're going to go we have to go tell everyone what you're having. Thank you both so much for this we love you." Danielle said coming over to hug the two of us Liam following in her steps.

We all walked out of the room as I went to go make my next appointment for the next month then said our goodbyes and got into our seperate cars, "Lets get you home so you can nap and I can look at your notes for the wedding," Niall said pulling off and driving to our flat. 

********************** ***************************

*Danielle's POV*

"Send a text out and have everyone meet at mines." Liam said as he drove us back to his place. I nodded and pulled out my phone. 

To: Louis, Haz, Pez, El, Mahogony, Zayn, Soph;

       Meeting at Li's place its about the baby!! You need to be there! -Dani xx 

I sent the text and closed my phone when I got a bunch of replies of okays and be theres, "You know this is really cool." Liam spoke up as we stopped at a stop light. "Yea I'm so happy for them. It's also great we can still be friends after all of this." Liam nodded agreeing with me, "Yea it is great." I smiled as we pulled up to his flat. 

I jumped out of his car and followed him inside after grabbing the magazines Isabel threw at us. "Hey babe we're back," Liam called to Sophia who ran down the stairs. "How was it? Do you need any help planning? What are they having?" Sophia asked as we walked into the living room. I shook my head and handed her a magazine, "We'll tell you when everyone gets here but look threw this because your boyfriend here is turning down all my ideas." 

"Okay how about you and the girls plan out the party me and the boys will plan food and people invited." Liam sugguested going to answer the door. I shook my head as I continued to look through the magazine with Sophia. 

"Liam what is she having?" "How was it!?" "Are you having a god son or daughter?" "I heard you were saying no to Dani's ideas haven't you learn yet that she will get her way?" The last question came from El causing me to laugh a little. I heard Liam groan and mumble something about the girls going to the living room. 

I heard footsteps rush through the halls and soon reveal the many faces of my friends, "So what are they having?" Everyone asked once they were all in the living room. 

I looked at Liam and he nodded,

"Well they're having ......" 



don't hate me! I know super late lets just say everything is not going well for me. I've been in the hospital twice in less than 2 weeks hurt my foot someway and I have a major test coming up ! I promise I will try and update you guys regualary! But heres the chapter! 

I know it might not be the greatest but I've been working on it as I found free time. The next chapter will be the baby shower and the sex of the baby will be revealed! I know what I'm going to make it and no one can change my mind! (: As soon as this chapter is uploaded I will be writing the next chapter! 

NOOOOWWWWW onto other news outside of the story! SO Thursday 2/13/14 Alex and Sierra were doing an ask alex&sierra thing on twitter and a follow spree sooooo I sent like 5 tweets and on my last tweet to them, "This is my final attempt. I promise if you follow or tweet me I'll get an A on my Psych test!" Well that just so happened to work because seconds after I tweeted that I got a follow from Alex and Sierra!!!! If you don't know who they are you better watch XfactorUSA 2013 reruns or on youtube or something because they are the cutest freaking couple and I voted for them all freaking season So I became like a really huge fan! When they followed me I swear I died A little! Next goal is to get the boys to follow me! Lets hopee! 

Anyways thats all I hope you all read this if you didnt you won't know why I'm so happy ! 

Vote! Comment! Follow! 

Love you 

-anna xx 

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