Chapter Nine

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*Three Months later*

"Come on Bell we're going to be late for your appointment and if we keep the guys waiting they'll kill us," I heard Sophia called from down stairs. I sighed and got put on my converse and grabbed my phone. "Okay okay lets go we don't want the boys to wait at the doctors for us." I pulled on my jacket as we walked out to the cab wating for us. Today was the day of the ultrasound that Niall would actually be here for. Usually Sophia or Eleanor takes me but since the boys flew in this morning they wanted to meet Sophia and I there. 

"You nervous?" Sophia smiled over to me. She always asked me this whenever she would take me to my appoinments. I shook my head, "Not as nervous as I was when I went the first time to the doctors. I'm just excited that Niall will be there this time." I smiled. Since I was with the boys for their UK part of the tour they had to fly out to Japan and Austrialia to finish their tour so I stayed in London and now they are finished with their tour so Niall can actually be there for the ultrasound. 

Sophia laughed, "Liam called last night and said Niall was actually really excited for this. All of them are I can't believe your allowing all of them into the room." I laughed as she handed me sunglasses noticing the flashes of paps already telling me that the boys we already here, "Yea don't remind me of that." I pulled money out of my wallet paying and thanking the cab driver before slipping out of the cab holding onto Sophia's hand and walking toward the entrance of the building ignoring the voices of the fans and paps that showed up. 

Once  we were inside the shouts from outside were drowned out and I took of my sunglasses before walking up to check-in, "Name?" the lady at the desk asked not looking up from the computer, "Uh Isabel Fields." This caught her attention because her head snapped up real quick, "Oh Miss Fields we were ordered to take you back right away. Some people are waiting for you in room 5 behind that door right there. We'll let your doctor know you're here right away." She pointed to the door that lead back to the examination rooms. 

I thanked her before grabbing Sophia's wrist pulling her back to the rooms, "So I'm guess the boys are already back here?" She mumbled before I could answer I stopped outside of room 5 and nodded mentally preparing myself before I opened up the door walking in with Sophia behind me, "Oh thank god you two are finally here," Liam said standing up hugging me and reaching over me to kiss Sophia quickly. 

I shokk my head before going over to the rest of the boys and greeted them before kissing Niall quickly and sitting up on the examination bed slipping off my cardigan and handing it him as he sat in the chair next to the bed. "I so can't wait for this!" Louis said clapping his hands together as the boys agreed with him silently. I laughed shaking my head as the doctor came in, "Ah Isabel it's great to see you again. Bigger crowd than the last couple visits I see," Dr. Rivera said standing on the other side of my bed.

I smiled at her and nodded, "Which one is the father?" Dr. Rivera asked. Niall raised his hand smiling at me. "Congratulations. Now Isabel have you been feeling anything strange or unusual?" I shook my head and smiled, "Nope nothing at all." She smiled, "That's great so we'll get started with ultra sounds and I'm assuming you want pictures like always." I nodded scooting back onto the bed laying down and pulling up my shirt over my stomache. 

I looked over at Niall and the boys to see them all seated leaning forward waiting while Sophia was scrolling through her phone. "Okay so you know this is the cold part," she said as she turned on the ultrasound machine before cold liquid onto my stomach causing me to squirm a little. "Okay lets see how your little one is doing shall we?" 

She took the wand and scanned over my stomache looking over at the screen. As seconds passed could feel Niall squeeze my hand. I looked over at him to see him staring up at the screen in awe before a faint heartbeat was detected causing Niall to sit up straighter as a picture of the baby came up onto the screen.

"Well it looks like your baby is healthy just like always and in maybe the visit after next you will be able to tell what the sex of your baby is. It seems like your baby is growing healthy and strong so keep doing what your doing Isabel. I'll go get those pictures for you then your good to go." She smiled handing me a tissue to clean off my stomach. 

She left the room and the room stayed silent as I cleaned off my stomache and pulled my shirt back down and sat back up, "Babe can I have my cardigan?" I asked breaking the silence. He handed me my cardigan but continued to stare at the now blank screen. I slipped it on and got off the table, "Niall are you okay mate?" Zayn asked the boy frozen in his spot but Niall just continued to stay frozen in place. 

I walked over to him waving my hand in front of his face and pulling him out of his trance and he looked at me with glossy eyes, "Aw babe are you going to cry?" I asked frowning a little. He cleared his throat and went to speak right as Dr. Rivera walked in, "Okay here are your pictures and I'll see you next month for your next check up." She smiled at me as Niall got up handing me the pictures. 

The boys and Sophia walked out with Niall and I following behind them. I went to schedule my next appointment when we got back out front handing Niall the pictures. Once I finished I walked back over to him and looked outside, "Paul is out front we'll be good. I'll keep you safe," Niall smiled down at me pulling into his side as we all exited the clinic. 

Shouts and screams came from every direction and I held onto Niall tightly with one hand over my stomache as we made our way to the car. "You think since Isabel is pregnant the paps would take it easy but nope still unconsiderate assholes," Louis complained as we were all situated in the car. I laughed a little, "Well remember Lou no one really wants me to have this baby so they don't care no matter what." He shrugged, "Still you're pregnant one wrong move by them you could loose the baby and then they wouldn't only have to deal with a very pissed off Niall they'll have to deal with a very pissed off one direction." 

I shook my head, "I don't go out much anymore so we don't have to worry about me being pumuled." I layed my head on Niall's shoulder as we looked at the pictures in his hands. "Isabel if you do go out please call me so I can get security for you. I still care for you like I care for the boys." Paul called back from the front of the car. "I will I promise Paul." I smiled at him through the rearview mirror. 

Soon we all pulled up to mine and Niall's flat as me, Sophia, Niall, and Liam all got out. We said goodbye to the rest of the boys and walked up to the door me unlocking it since Niall hadn't been home in almost a month. When we walked into the living the boys jaws dropped as they took in the many magazines and other paper work scattered all over the room, "Oh yeah I probably should have warned you that I was planning a lot this past month." I smiled up at Niall before I ran over to the table that I had a picture frame sitting on grabbing one of the pictures out Niall's hand and putting it into the three month spot of the picture frame and grabbing the last two months walking back over to Niall, Liam and Sophia who were now on the couch either looking at me confused, Niall and Liam, or flipping through a baby magazine, Sophia. I sat on the sofa arm next to Niall and handed him the last two months pictures and watched in awe as he looked at them carefully. 

He looked up at me in amusement, "Baby we're having a baby." He said quietly before he got up and pulled in me into a hug burring his head into my neck. I felt my phone go off in my pocket so I dug it out to see a notification come from Liam on twitter.

@Real_Liam_Payne; Now this is true love. I'm so happy for them I can't wait to meet their little addition to their family. I know he or she will have the best parents. @Isabel_Fieldsxx @NiallOfficial 

I smiled over Niall's shoulder and smiled at Liam before mouthing thank you as he smiled and nodded at me. 



I'm sorry for the late update! But there will still be one tomorrow! I hope you all liked this chapter ! Let me know what you think. 

Also do you think Isabel and Niall should have a boy or girl?! I'm still unsure!!! Comment below! 

picture on the side of the pic Liam posted on twitter!! 

Vote. Comment. Follow! 

I love you all

-anna xx 

Love Will Remember ~Book Three~ EDITING!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt